The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Think Into His Presence?

An interesting thinng happened to me last night. I tried to think my way into His presence. I tried to think my way into the presence of God. The Nerve. And I was stopped...I was arrested by the Holy Spirit:
That's the danger of schooling and "brain power". Acknowledging the fact that there is no such thing with God. For where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? The foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom.
Prayer REQUIRES submission of the mind, body and soul. There are 2 parties involved and the goal is one-the goal is intimacy. Oh, Father, when was the last time we were intimate? How can I possibly expect You to send me some one body who I call "husband" and I have neglected You- My husband. I am Your wife. For the first time, I am trully convicted. I have been a creeping harlot, spending more itme infatuated with theology and rejecting intimacy. For where is the substance of theology without intimacy? A false balance is an abomination to God. I hear You Father. I hear You Husband.


  • Cannot spending time theologizing be a form of praise? There are many ways to worship God, whether they be through music, prayer, art, dance, through intellectual activity, etc. God has given you the gift of thought and maybe theology is your own special way of praising God. I do not see intellectual activity as rejecting intimacy.

    By Blogger Matthew, at 9:37 AM  

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