The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The "Too Single" Crew: Biological Clocks a Tickin'

Meet the newest member of the "too single" crew...Jessie!
After a long, intense, two and a half year relationship, Jessie is living the single life again. Why not join the “too single” crew? How we have come to love Jessie- another 25 year old Master’s of Divinity student at Princeton Theological Seminary who loves God and doesn’t know what they want to do with their life. She does know this much: “I want to live,” she says. On the surface this comment seems deep, but it’s just the sign of a single Christian in their mid-20’s whose former long list of future life achievements, has now been narrowed down to merely living and getting through the week. She recently decided that “it’s okay to look.” You know-that good ole’ motto. Internet dating is like internet job hunting. Do I take the job for $9 an hour or just keep searching for something better? Jessie’s happy to be apart of the “too single crew”: “It feels good to know there are others workin out the whole single thing.” Honey, if you only knew…

Tosha began the summer on what she calls “a man diet.” Since then I would say that she’s now “a man vegetarian” or shall I say vegan. You can’t even talk about men- in a romantic way- around her; it’s like a bad word or something. Because of this I’m pretty confident that when she does get married she will be the world's most apron wearing, baby makin, what do you want for dinner honey askin, can’t go hang out on a Saturday night with the girls, wifey. I can’t wait to meet the lucky winner.

This is the most single Khristi has ever been. She's a busy body. The poster child for single, independent and working (with no money though). Relationships have never been her thing, but she has always had a fling or a prospect on the side. Not sure what this season is all about. She’s tried to convince herself that she’s taking the whole “waiting for her husband” thing more seriously. Therefore quick flings and meaningless, emotionally draining companionships she’s sworn off. It’s August though. She thinks she needs a fix real bad. Like quick flings are a shot of cocaine or something. Is there a rehab for people like her?

Ebonee, Ebonee, Ebonee. Ebonee had a “too single” crisis the other day. Let’s just say it was resolved for the time being. She could blow any minute though. Interestingly enough her single crisis is somehow affecting her faith. Or vice versa. Church just isn’t quite her thing anymore. And she’s somehow come to a new and fresh perspective of God and God’s will. A corporate recruiter at Enterprise, she somehow manages to meet a guy here or there. Her requirements have shifted from Man of God who is Saved, Sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost, to…well…just a man I guess.The good news- or bad- or neither- whatever- as we draw near towards the close of the summer, Ebonee continues to remain single, but never alone.

Andre is in Canada. Doing what I have no idea. Canada vacations used to be the in-thing in the mid-90’s. No one just ups and goes to Canada anymore unless they're going to the mountains with an entire group of fun loving friends. Like an entire group of 15. White water rafting and the like. Anyway he’s there. He has a crush on some girl. He’s so secretive about his crushes. Poor Mugga, the only guy in the too single crew. All his other brothers are either taken, in jail or what ladies?..lemme hear that three letter word....! I personally think any girl has to be stupid to not get with Dre. He’s a man of God, he’s sweet, he’s a manager at a big time hotel, he’s got a brand new Lexus, shall I go on? Now granted, I don’t like him like that, but that’s different.

Ashlee. Hmmmm. Not sure what Ashlee’s doing. Ashlee has ex’s all over the planet. They all secretly seem to remain either cool or close. Hmmmm. At any rate, while other people look forward to the future years down the line with a family and a house with kids and a job, Ashlee looks forward to what her future looks like post graduation. If she can just get over that hump, then she’s achieved more than she ever dreamed of. Sigh.

Check out the "Too Single" Crew archives:


  • this sounded like an excerpt from a book i was so interested and was disheartened when it came to an end your descriptions of your friends are so vivid and real.

    P.S I would be honored if you took a look at my blog and left some comments.Be Blessed

    By Blogger Rough Draft, at 8:35 AM  

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