The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Day Time Stopped

…and I looked at the clock and I remembered what day it was and what I was doing today…at 11:21pm, 7 months ago. ….like it was yesterday. I still remember the smell. I remember the dim lights. I remember the monitor that went beep…beep…beep. I remember the quiet. …like it was right now. Right in this moment. I remember…and suddenly I’m taken there again. Still. Silent. Numb. Thinking the day would never end. Wondering if you had left already. …like it was yesterday. I wonder if, 7 months from now, it will still be like it was yesterday. I’ll close my eyes and find myself still sitting there waiting, quiet and numb.


  • oh my lord....this is one of the most horrible things I have read in a long long time. i dont know what else to say about it.

    By Blogger Jessie, at 11:40 PM  

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