The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Distance

I’m sorry I’ve been so distant. I heard this thing the other day about how when people rebel against You, it’s not some bright idea- they are actually angry about something. I’m not so sure I’m rebelling though. But I do recognize the distance…and I wonder. Do I feel as though there’s distance because I’m not at all night prayer like I used to do? Or is there distance because I’m not communicating at all? I think there’s a bit of both. And I recognize that the latter is more substantial than the other. I think that my problems with the “church” could be affecting my communication with you. But that’s no excuse not to say “Hello” or “Thank you”. Perhaps it’s because of distractions. Perhaps I’m going and doing too much and like Martha, have a hard time sitting down at your feet for a moment. Perhaps…it’s just me and it comes down to just plain ole’ heart’s desire. I don’t know. Whatever it is…it has to end.


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