The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Thursday, November 29, 2007

True Love...Waits?

Sex Sells.

That was the topic of a Headline News story on television some time ago. This was nothing new of course. If you didn’t see the news report, sexual images have infiltrated your television set and lyrics have permeated the airwaves. For many, engaging in sexual intercourse is as major a decision as what one would contemplate having for dinner. However, for Victoria ****, it is a life altering decision. So much in fact that this eighteen-year-old has decided to wait. For those of you who may have a hard time comprehending that…
it means she’s still a virgin
and has every intention to remain that way, until she gets married. Victoria will not allow sex to sell her to anything or anyone, but instead, she views her body as a gift to be given.

There is nothing default about Victoria. In one conversation with her she presented herself as nothing less than an intelligent, successful and considerate woman of God who lives life one thought out decision after the other. A native of Easton, PA, Victoria grew up as an active member of Greater Shiloh Church. It wasn’t until she was thirteen years old that she began to truly experience God for herself as she transitioned to a ministry where she says the teens were “on fire” for God. “It was this experience that pushed me into a relationship with Christ more so than going to church on Sunday morning.” Throughout this experience she was challenged to look beyond what she had come to know and dig deeper. In striving to grow independent in Christ, Victoria began to think seriously about the decisions she made: one being, her virginity.

“Your virginity is such a rare and special thing; you can only give it away once. It is something that you can’t give to anyone else but your husband.” Sex to Victoria is intimacy, and intimacy is dangerous ground when it’s given away frivolously. “Once you share that type of intimacy with someone, there’s a soul tie and transferring of spirits that God intended for the one man and one woman. When you share that with someone who is not your husband, it’s not worth it.” This was easier said than done for Victoria whose former three-year relationship was challenged at times. Though both herself and her boyfriend were Christian and active in ministry, she realized the humanity in them and attributes the setting of boundaries that led to their sexual refrain. She lightheartedly recalls her reaction at times when his parents were not home. “No we can’t go up to your room, maybe we just need to sit on the porch.” Her strength was no secret to those around her at school. “People would come up to me and ask me why. What’s the point? I would explain. Then they would ask me, “what if you love that person?”

What if you love that person?

True love waits. But lust waits for no one. She makes a clear distinction between the two. And suddenly, we’re reminded of the scripture that says that love is patient. Love is never in a hurry. Love is never in a rush. Love is not impulsive. Love is nothing contrary to patience and Victoria looks forward to the day when she will come face to face with the love that has waited so patiently for her. As she enters into her first year at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, PA, Victoria is honest about the reality that her decision will be challenged to a greater degree. “I know it’s going to get harder. Age. Your body changes. There have been times I wanted to give up and I’m sure there will be times when I go to college and after. I don’t know what will sustain me, but I do hope and pray that I will be able to be as strong as I have been in the past.”

When asked if she had any words of encouragement for those women and men who are choosing to abstain from pre-marital sex, Victoria recalls the words of Paul in the book of Galatians, “And let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart.” She wants to remind them that God not only sees, but acknowledges their sacrifice.
“Good things come to those who wait.”


  • go on girrrlll!! i agree. true love does wait. hang in there!! in nice to have a younger generation holding on like some of us are.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:16 PM  

  • This post caught my attention. I have 4 daughters that I am teaching about purity. But, I know as they get older they will be tempted. So, I've got to talk to them about setting boundaries. Boundaries that are different from the teenagers they know.It's so exciting seeing young women and girls talking about "waiting".

    By Blogger Shari, at 7:17 PM  

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