The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Thursday, March 27, 2008

"Thus Sayeth The Lord...!"

Growing up in the church, I have seen many different preachers to come to speak at services and conferences. Interestingly enough, most of these individuals (mostly men) would identify themselves as prophets. There was always something mystical and convincing about these “prophets” which caused me to stand in awe of them. They always seemed to exude some sort of power and authority that was beyond anything that I had ever seen in my youthful years. Remmber the scripture where the Apostle Paul instructs the church at Corinth to desire the gift of prophecy more than tongues, because prophecy edified the church more than tongues? Well I, therefore, desired the gift of prophecy. Shortly after one guest preacher explained to us that there was a difference between prophecy and the office of the prophet. The office of the prophet was one that walked in their calling and had a constant message and constant burden for the people. I was nonetheless, confused. However my perception of a prophet began to be shaped by those who I had been confronted with (whether in person or on television) who deemed themselves as one. They all seemed to be able to see into the future and tell everyone what their future would hold, whether that was a family or a ministry or houses or cars. They were widely admired and everyone seemed to want to be around them. To be close with a prophet was an honor. Some of them even seemed rich. As I got older my awareness has changed considerably. There appeared to be a conflict between modern day “prophets” and the prophets of the bible.

In his essay entitled, "The Prophets", Abraham Heschel asks “What Manner of Man is the Prophet?” Thus, he gives a biblical and accurate analysis of this prophet. With a heavy use of intense language and imagery, Heschel portrays a seemingly negative illustration of what it means to be a prophet. The prophet has an extreme message and articulates that very message with passion and strong convictions. Heschel gives a reason as to why: “Our eyes are witness to the callousness and cruelty of man, but our heart tries to obliterate the memories, to calm the nerves, and to silence the conscience.” The prophet will not let the people forget or ignore the injustices around them. He goes on to add that “The prophet is a man (a person) who feels fiercely.” They have to carry both the burden of the people and the burden of God.

At one point I asked myself, “How can God articulate God’s feelings?” and “What would it feel like to articulate the feelings of God?” Therefore, I can only imagine the intense feelings the prophet had. Heschel says, “Carried away by the challenge, the demand to straighten out man’s ways, the prophet is strange, one-sided, an unbearable extremist.” If a prophet is carrying the burden of both God and humanity, how can they not encompass these characteristics? The prophet is furthermore a mediator between God and humanity. Pleading to God at times on behalf of humanity and pleading to humanity on behalf of God is no doubt an onerous responsibility.

In lieu of the two contradicting perceptions that I had received growing up and the biblical portrayal also exemplified through Heschel, I am a bit puzzled on how the definition of this position has been altered. The prophets that I grew up observing were popular, future telling and dramatic preachers. The prophets of the bible were unpopular, emotionally driven and social reforming. “To be a prophet is both a distinction and an affliction.” (Heschel, 18). I have even more admiration for the unpopular message of the prophets in that they have a call to proclaim justice, yet it comes at a great sacrifice. This is a sacrifice of the inevitability of alienation from society as well as the church. The justice of God is one that comes against anything that opposes God and that does not exclude the church. However, the joys of being a prophet aren’t in the mystical persuasions or in the captivating rhetoric, but in the delight of being called and chosen of God to do God’s will and bring justice to society.

Monday, March 24, 2008


KhristiA: i needed this week to myself
KhristiA: crazy is rearing her ugly face
KhristiA: and she's not happy
DwnLoco55: yea... i can see that...
KhristiA: i have this theory that every woman is crazy
KhristiA: and that crazy comes up every now and then
KhristiA: we need to be conscious of crazy
KhristiA: well Black women
DwnLoco55: yes... black women definitely have two sides to them.. normal.strong and crazy. kick ur *ss
KhristiA: i knew i was crazy last night. i was trying to talk and she kept contradicting me
DwnLoco55: she???
KhristiA: it sounded a mess
KhristiA: yes
DwnLoco55: u acting like its a real person...
KhristiA: crazy
DwnLoco55: im scared now...
KhristiA: it is
KhristiA: think back...
DwnLoco55: hmm??
KhristiA: when has she come up out of you?
KhristiA: with a guy in particular
KhristiA: she just aint showed up in a while
KhristiA: don't act like she aint in you too
DwnLoco55: but i dont talk to her like she's sitting in front of me... haha
DwnLoco55: she is... i admit... but i kept crazy in check...
KhristiA: those times when you were like, "wait a minute. why am i acting like this. i'm not crazy"
DwnLoco55: i'll turn crazy and knock crazy out if she comes up when she aint pose to
KhristiA: lol
KhristiA: u KNOW deep down you're not crazy. but you can't help it...
DwnLoco55: yea...
KhristiA: you do crazy things
KhristiA: say crazy things
DwnLoco55: girl u need to write a book on the depths of the black women's personality
KhristiA: knowing in your mind you really don't make any sense
KhristiA: lol
KhristiA: it's that inner beast...i tried to tame her
KhristiA: but she's fighting me
KhristiA: "cuss him out!"
KhristiA: "take him back"
KhristiA: "call him!"
KhristiA: "hang up on him"
KhristiA: "u know u love him!"
KhristiA: "u know you hate him!"
KhristiA: its a mess
DwnLoco55: cuz... i heard u at one pt.. but i thought u were on the phone...
KhristiA: oh yeah
KhristiA: I was
KhristiA: crazy was in the convo too though
DwnLoco55: oh ok... thank God... i would seriously have to consider u as certified crazy
DwnLoco55: im sure...
KhristiA: a great deal of the time she's right actually
DwnLoco55: is she?
KhristiA: well she's right to feel that way
DwnLoco55: crazy usually goes way left field... extreme action and talk
KhristiA: she just doesn't make any sense
DwnLoco55: ok.. thats a good point...
DwnLoco55: u do have the right to feel and express how crazy is talkin....
DwnLoco55: but that dont mean that its a permanent thing... its usually fueled by the moment
KhristiA: i know...i need to forgive, but crazy is hurt and she wants retribution
DwnLoco55: i agree with crazy right now
DwnLoco55: forgive later...
KhristiA: yeah.
KhristiA: crazy needs a week to calm down
DwnLoco55: yea..
DwnLoco55: at least
KhristiA: i should blog this
DwnLoco55: this convo?? ppl will so say ur crazy
KhristiA: yes. people who aint a black woman…and some women in general.
KhristiA: a Black woman will say amen
DwnLoco55: yea...
DwnLoco55: a true black woman who admits she's crazy too

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Now That It's Clear That Obama is Black...


"There is no way I would sit under a so-called pastor who preached nothing but hate. Also, the comment about "God d**n America." Veterans should be highly offended as they have fought and many lost their lives fighting for the freedoms we hold so dear, even to give this "preacher" the right to spew his hate."

"Obama is a black racist the same as his pastor is. He should NOT receive the Democratic Nomination. If he by chance becomes President, I fear our country will become more racially divided than it was before desegregation."

"Clinton for president!"

"BO's failure to denounce Wright as part of his own essence negates his qualification for public office."

"I would like all blacks that have the feeling of predjudice to remember it was White's mainly who faught and died for the black man and womans rights to be equal. I know there are problems but the civil war was waged with mostly whites trying to help their black brother..."

"Regardless of his racist friends and wife, his agenda is the Democrat Party leadership's socialist and unGodly agenda. McCain was not my first choice as the GOP nominee, however he looks better and better every day that more is exposed on the Demo candidates...!"

"Why does it state that "pastor" Wright 'suggested' that 9/11 was brought on...? He didn't suggest it - he said it. To the Christian black republican lady - I agree, there is no one running anymore that I wish to vote for...I'm going to vote for Mc. simply to help defeat the other two."

"Truth is truth"

"I am relieved that Obamas "pastor" is NOT representing the majority of black folk!"

"Obama appears to be ducking the issues that are raised by Mr. Wright's leadership role in his life. We thought this brand of raccism was well behind us at this point in time. It also explains his reluctance to salute the flag or honor the National Anthem. This guy wants to be Commander-in-Chief? Not on your tin-type,brother. no-way!"

"When will the media take note of Michelle Obama's statement on Larry King Live: "This is the first time I've been able to be proud of America." (Is this an educated, sensitive woman?) Seems that Rev Wright has definitely made an impact on the Obama family!"

"Barack called for Don Imus to be fired for his statements and then said he would fire anyone who worked for him that said anything that incendiary.........well??? That says it all."


"Pastor Wright or not, Senator Obama is just wrong for America based solely on his value systems and the principles he stands for. It aggravates me to hear him say he's a devout Christian but stand for abortion and gay marriage."

"No one with good reasoning power will trust Obama on this."

"Excellent information to balance all the liberal stories. I am sick of being told that all black churches preach hatred and racism like Obama's church."

"Good points. Obama could be considered a racist. He andmr Wright showvery bad judgment and anit-American values. Why dosen,t the liberal press tell this story?"

"When I read and heard the Obama speech it sounded much like, "It depends on what your definition of the word is is.""

"It is time for Christians to wake up if they want God to bless them and this county. Stop voting for anyone that promote or continues abortion."

"What concerned me most about his speech is how he condemned the constitution as a pro-slavery document when in fact it is not. Read the writings of Frederick Douglas, a black abolistionist, if you want a better understanding of how it is actually an anti-slavery document."