The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Monday, March 24, 2008


KhristiA: i needed this week to myself
KhristiA: crazy is rearing her ugly face
KhristiA: and she's not happy
DwnLoco55: yea... i can see that...
KhristiA: i have this theory that every woman is crazy
KhristiA: and that crazy comes up every now and then
KhristiA: we need to be conscious of crazy
KhristiA: well Black women
DwnLoco55: yes... black women definitely have two sides to them.. normal.strong and crazy. kick ur *ss
KhristiA: i knew i was crazy last night. i was trying to talk and she kept contradicting me
DwnLoco55: she???
KhristiA: it sounded a mess
KhristiA: yes
DwnLoco55: u acting like its a real person...
KhristiA: crazy
DwnLoco55: im scared now...
KhristiA: it is
KhristiA: think back...
DwnLoco55: hmm??
KhristiA: when has she come up out of you?
KhristiA: with a guy in particular
KhristiA: she just aint showed up in a while
KhristiA: don't act like she aint in you too
DwnLoco55: but i dont talk to her like she's sitting in front of me... haha
DwnLoco55: she is... i admit... but i kept crazy in check...
KhristiA: those times when you were like, "wait a minute. why am i acting like this. i'm not crazy"
DwnLoco55: i'll turn crazy and knock crazy out if she comes up when she aint pose to
KhristiA: lol
KhristiA: u KNOW deep down you're not crazy. but you can't help it...
DwnLoco55: yea...
KhristiA: you do crazy things
KhristiA: say crazy things
DwnLoco55: girl u need to write a book on the depths of the black women's personality
KhristiA: knowing in your mind you really don't make any sense
KhristiA: lol
KhristiA: it's that inner beast...i tried to tame her
KhristiA: but she's fighting me
KhristiA: "cuss him out!"
KhristiA: "take him back"
KhristiA: "call him!"
KhristiA: "hang up on him"
KhristiA: "u know u love him!"
KhristiA: "u know you hate him!"
KhristiA: its a mess
DwnLoco55: cuz... i heard u at one pt.. but i thought u were on the phone...
KhristiA: oh yeah
KhristiA: I was
KhristiA: crazy was in the convo too though
DwnLoco55: oh ok... thank God... i would seriously have to consider u as certified crazy
DwnLoco55: im sure...
KhristiA: a great deal of the time she's right actually
DwnLoco55: is she?
KhristiA: well she's right to feel that way
DwnLoco55: crazy usually goes way left field... extreme action and talk
KhristiA: she just doesn't make any sense
DwnLoco55: ok.. thats a good point...
DwnLoco55: u do have the right to feel and express how crazy is talkin....
DwnLoco55: but that dont mean that its a permanent thing... its usually fueled by the moment
KhristiA: i know...i need to forgive, but crazy is hurt and she wants retribution
DwnLoco55: i agree with crazy right now
DwnLoco55: forgive later...
KhristiA: yeah.
KhristiA: crazy needs a week to calm down
DwnLoco55: yea..
DwnLoco55: at least
KhristiA: i should blog this
DwnLoco55: this convo?? ppl will so say ur crazy
KhristiA: yes. people who aint a black woman…and some women in general.
KhristiA: a Black woman will say amen
DwnLoco55: yea...
DwnLoco55: a true black woman who admits she's crazy too


  • that's aight sis sometimes crazy is a corrective, so when she makes you pause for a moment, it's not always bad...lemme know if i can cuss somebody for ya...

    By Blogger Cleve Tinsley IV, at 1:02 PM  

  • Sorry Leavance. I deleted your comment. )-: crazy huh?

    By Blogger Khristi Lauren, at 5:47 PM  

  • ummmmmm..............yes.

    By Blogger Jessie, at 11:20 AM  

  • amen

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:09 AM  

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