The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

I took the Blue Pill.

There is a vast difference between numbness and peace. And in my own Matrix, I took the blue pill instead of the red. And now, happiness is bliss. No...not youthful bliss but fearful. The ignorance that I created for myself when I decided that life was too much to handle.

So I took the blue pill.

I stuffed my hopes and dreams in a box marked "memories". I shredded my desires. I threw love in the garbage. All of it! But, I kept my families love as a souvenir.

When I took the blue pill.

I decided to forget the realities that plagued my mind. That infiltrated my heart. That haunted me in the day and visited me in the night. "Don't lose hope Khristi. We need you." No more sleepless nights. No more dreams so real that I question the existence of my own reality when I wake.

And I took the blue pill.

Denying any-thing that led to the door of potential. Denying the nature of my own existence.

Then I took the blue pill.

And I swallowed.
And I self pity.
And instead of dying the death of the valiant I resolved to a cryogenically frozen state. Frozen in space. Frozen in time. And now, I lie numb in ironical faith that one day a cure will be discovered for the curse that the blue pill has brought me.


  • I was too busy vibing off of Jill Scott and Gill Scott/
    It's no wonder the pills got/
    and I wound up/
    Deeper in the Matrix.

    You ever notice how everyone's a revolutionary in the same way??
    Ever have try to talk to one of those people who just reeks "deep"...
    I saw this "beautiful African queen" natural as the day is long...
    Seriously beautiful, and just looked like she had all the answers to all the questions I would ever have...
    Not to mention, the perfect mother for my fantasy-land babies...
    Until she opened her mouth.

    What she had said wuz dat she be to busy workin at starbcks and the gap to let the man git her down. And she love bruvaz dat got locks and Che Guh-vera t-shirts, and she don't consider french fries a vegetable because don't the grease cancel out the vitamin c??"

    How to have a crush CRUSHED. Just like intellectualism, 'being different' is just more of the same.
    Rock on.

    By Blogger Puddleglum, at 11:23 PM  

  • Isn't it interesting how one small decision can change your life. Sometimes you ask yourself, "Why didn't I choose the red pill?" Then it's too late. I've done that a few times myself and right now I ask myself the same thing, "Why didn't I choose the red pill?...."

    By Blogger zions99, at 10:37 PM  

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