The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Losing It

I am not a virgin…emotionally
I have given it up repeatedly
to men who had no need of me
cause they failed to see in me the need I meet
hoping they’d consider me
a wife to be
birthing and giving life through maternity
on the dawn of a new modernity

I try to give it away physically
but that just isn’t enough for me
I need some more stability
Someone with some consistency
They aint lyin when they say fairytales are hard to believe
that someone will give me intimacy
and enter into my holy of holies
feening the redeeming power of just me
feeding on the seeds of my apple tree

I want someone to just Take Me!...mentally
To a place based on the contingency
that they’d love me unconditionally
More than just a bedtime dream
but manifesting in my reality
joining the community of my mentality

I’d take his class on Chemistry
He’d major in my ministry
and capture the divinity
restoring femininity
with his transforming abilities
venturing through my body with utmost sensitivity

I never learn you see
The lessons that life keep bringing me
As I continue to give myself away emotionally
I keep losing my virginity

Saturday, June 03, 2006

The "Too Single" Interfaith Dialogue: Summer Lovin

“This is around the time of year when you want to be with somebody. I mean, you really, really, really, really want somebody. I tell you one thing girl, I might not date in the winter, but I sure nuff date in the summer. I don’t mean it, but it sure is convenient. Every summer when my birthday comes around I can’t remember one that I haven’t had some ….manfriend. Last summer it was Craig, before that it was Carl, before that it was Garret, before that it was Asher, and before that Paul and before that it was Dallas…well Dallas didn’t really count. I just went over his house on my birthday. Does that count? Whateva.”

“Summers were made for Singles...And Winters were made for Couples. I’m gonna embrace these three months. Winter and Fall’s are spent in warm restaurants, in front of fireplaces, cuddling under a warm blanket in bed... Sad Yet??? Don't be, Summer is here! Love It! Time to go outdoors, go jogging in parks, walk boardwalks, read at outdoor cafes. You've spent the last six months hibernating and depressing yourself within your four walls. Summer is your chance to get out there and live. Wash that car, get that hair done and go to that cookout. It’s not like those winter dinner parties where you needed a date. Cookouts are for everyone, so Go...Meet, Mingle. I’m not going to the movies, I aint treatin myself to AppleBee's To Go and I’m not spending one more Friday night in Barnes and Noble. I’m going to that Festival, to that Outdoor Concert and if I crave a Funnel Cake, I’ma borrow a friends kid and Go to that Carnival. The key word here is GO...Whatever I do, I WON’T stay inside. We only get 3 months. We can’t let it pass us by...”

“I had a little fling last summer. Y’all remember? Cause I had the same one the summer before. It was so ridiculous; I can just laugh thinking about it. It was so ridiculous, that when I see the guy to this day, we both laugh. And both times I came to my senses right when the summer was over. I’ll have to agree with Eb; summer is the time when you really want to be with someone, therefore all sensible judgment and standard that you had in the winter, goes out the window. And furthermore, I'm not so sure that I have the time anymore to be dissapointed. I do a good enough job of that by myself. I swear it's like what i'm asking of these guys is so much: "Take me out", "Call me back", "Love Jesus", "Please keep your pants on". Gosh!

This summer, I’m trying to be more sensible. I’m avoiding all first Friday’s, busy gyms and Kissing after Dark with Lenny Green. This summer I’m gonna be fully committed to me…exclusively dating myself. Now granted, seeing that it’s only June 1st, I’ll need to check back in every so often to revise accordingly.”

Meet the newest member of the crew: Latosha aka "Tosh"

26 year old over-qualified paraprofessional soon to be teacher, soon to be Master’s student, soon to be FBI agent. Recently ended a one year relationship with a 46 year old man just to find herself rebounding with a 20 year old. Affectionately known by her friends as “United Nations” as she jumps from Puerto Rican to African to “White Boy” all in a matter of months. (Oh, but they’re all Christian of course.) An obvious flirt. Pines for independence. A walking personals ad. Spontaneous but unsure. Loves a man. But he’s gotta be ALL man. Soon to be committed by her “too single” friends.

" 'Summer Lovin' seems like an oxymoron. I hope i don't sound bitter or jaded when i say that. It’s this time of year when love takes a holiday. After recently ending a relationship, I've been wondering if it's only a coincidence that we ended things so close to the summer. And now that I think about it…last year we took a 3-month hiatus around the same time only to pick up again in the beginning of September. Hmmmm… Well, I do know that this is the time of year that I feel most free. I start working out in anticipation of these 3 months when the days are longer, nights are warmer and I have endless energy which equals only to endless possibilities. We're young…unfettered. We can do whatever we want, and we don't need to be in a relationship to have fun. Notice I said relationship, because part of the summer fun is being able to flirt shamelessly with everybody. We shouldn’t think about what we're missing right now, but instead what we can look forward to: Trips to foreign lands (hopefully), beach houses (so what if it's the Jersey Shore), and trips to 7-Eleven for the obligatory Slurpee! And who knows, maybe one of these rendezvous will lead to some 'Winter Lovin'."

Both God and Man

if God cries
does that make God vulnerable?
does it make God weak?
I can't imagine
the mortality of tears
streaming down the omnipotent face.
the pain
of suffering
would merely make God
one of us...

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Evoking the Presence of a 3rd Party

What about this concept…this…idea fascinates us? With the movie industry investing in stock of movies inundating us with storylines of mysticism and fear at the hands of a mysterious 3rd party, one can’t help but wonder, why the fixation? Whether good or evil personified, if able to do nothing else, they are rational; Rational enough to persuade human beings by their various methods to respond fittingly to whatever their particular intention or aim. Fascinated by the monster in the closet, the ghosts that resided in the house before or the happenchance of a bloody Mary appearing in the bathroom mirror. Noooo, Jason. Noooo, Freddy…you’re no longer needed. Too natural for the appetite of the masses. Too able to be explained away. In our ignorance we are smart enough, however, to go beyond ourselves. No matter how much one can attempt to simplify experiences beyond the basics of ecology drawing conclusions of fairytales. No matter how much one can explain away ones worship experience with accusations of emotionalism. It seems that what came with our human-ness is some sort of innate foreknowledge that there is, or can be evoked, the presence of a 3rd party.