The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Losing It

I am not a virgin…emotionally
I have given it up repeatedly
to men who had no need of me
cause they failed to see in me the need I meet
hoping they’d consider me
a wife to be
birthing and giving life through maternity
on the dawn of a new modernity

I try to give it away physically
but that just isn’t enough for me
I need some more stability
Someone with some consistency
They aint lyin when they say fairytales are hard to believe
that someone will give me intimacy
and enter into my holy of holies
feening the redeeming power of just me
feeding on the seeds of my apple tree

I want someone to just Take Me!...mentally
To a place based on the contingency
that they’d love me unconditionally
More than just a bedtime dream
but manifesting in my reality
joining the community of my mentality

I’d take his class on Chemistry
He’d major in my ministry
and capture the divinity
restoring femininity
with his transforming abilities
venturing through my body with utmost sensitivity

I never learn you see
The lessons that life keep bringing me
As I continue to give myself away emotionally
I keep losing my virginity


  • I keep telling myself I'm single and happy over and over again. But its so apparent that I am not and its kinda hard when it seems like the world keeps telling you that you're missing out on something great.

    Whats really sad is that I have become my own worse enemy. A normal person would just be hurt and mortified by the actions of someone who apparently is using you and doesnt care for you but i am so far gone, so damaged that I have really numbed myself to any possible feelings whatsoever. I have barracated myself from feeling joy and especially pain. I really dont feel anything but confusion and utmost lack of self-respect for myself. I've given up in the worst way, without tears, without pain, without feeling hurt. I know that its wrong for me to react this way I should be devoured in pain or feel something. I only feel sorry for myself but i'm not crying about it. Its like an out-of-body sympathy for myself . And all I can do is shake my head in disappointment instead of feeling the hurt and pain one should feel at this point. /Maybe im just tired of being hurt and tired of fighting my true feelings about being single.

    But honestly I dont feel I need a man to complete me. I just want compansionship. I want it so bad that I have stooped myself in the postion I have undergone so much so that i have become completely numb, holding back my feelings. Afraid of the day when I will crack and lose it. But moreover i want to be single and feel complete and i sorta do but I guess its not enough.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:59 AM  

  • That's fab.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:48 AM  

  • Wassup Coco-complected Khristi! I finally found a way to message you. Thank God for Google. It’s Eric Johnson here at Boston University.

    My mom, in typical FBC fashion, just mailed me the Home News article about your play. It's a great article. I couldn't be happier for you and Ebony (and Leah. I went to grade school with her). You all are addressing an issue that desperately needs some attention, especially in the Black church. Keep it up!

    I wish I could come see it and participate in what is sure to be a firey discussion. I tried to find a way to get there, but the folks here have me shackled like a slave. Anyway, although I don’t agree 100 percent with some of the things in the article, I applaud your open mindedness to address this issue. Often, in our community, Black filmmakers and playwrights get pigeonholed into writing crappy, stereotypical pieces that have no influence. Keep up the good work.

    And keep blogging. Your stuff is great. I’ve been having a not so mid-life crisis for 2 years now. We all need to band together and form some sort of support group. I hope you’re well. Email me ( God Bless and break a leg!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:18 PM  

  • seriously chick you got skills. loving it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:25 PM  

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