The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Monday, May 15, 2006

The FINE and FORTY Awards!

There was a time I tell you…there was a time when the thought of a 40 year old man outside of the context of “dad” and “uncle” would repulse me. YUCK. ILK! But all that has changed.

And the grand prize goes to…
Blair Underwood. No No. Blair Underwood. No No. I mean….Blair Uuuuuunnnnderwood. He has looked like this for 20 years!
Helllllooooo Patrick Dempsey: The reason why I watch Grey’s Anatomy. I mean, is it even possible to look better at 40 than one did at 20? It is with Patrick Dempsey. 1st prize for Fine and 40 goes to you!

Runner up goes to Maurice Bernard who stole my heart 11 years know...the guy that mentored Stone who was dying of Aids and Robin contracted HIV because she slept with Stone when they didn't know it and Stone wound up going blind but he finally saw Robin for the last time right before he know...him.

Thanks to all of you; I am a changed woman.


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