The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Mind Blogs: "Imago Dei"

Sometimes I think about the whole concept of predestination.
thinking its absurd
to bias
denying us the right to free will.
Then there are other times
when I try
to escape
to negate
the force I feel it’s pull
seducing me
systematically grooming me
consuming me
reducing me to conform to an image other than my own
and I try to disconnect
from those sects that are to blame
But when I’ve left those behind
even in my mind
I find
that it’s hard to deny
who I am.
what I am.
That I am called to some..thing.


  • u ever read those "choose your own adventure" books? thats kinda how i see being predestined. also similar to how you can take like 3 or 4 different ways from work to home. even if it's just that one extra turn... the looong way or a short cut... more scenery or nothing much to look at at all. you'll still end up at home.

    God knows the end and the beginning. You definitely have options that can be called "free will". you can choose to walk a harder path in life or a slightly more stable path. either way God knows whether ur gonna go left or right. He also knows who u will meet in either of those choices... u might go left and get jumped in an alley or meet this cat that is totally wrong for you... or you could go right and meet the most interesting and uplifting person u've ever encountered... get a new job... whateva.

    you have choices in free will.... however nothing is new under the sun. meaning we can do nothing to surprise our Father one way or the other... but we should be striving to make the decisions that result in us hearing well done thy faithful servant.

    i wanna make Him proud with my choices.

    u kno??

    anyways thanks for coming through my spot. i'm feeling urs as well.

    may u be blessed on all sides.

    By Blogger lioness, at 1:49 PM  

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