The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

50 More make 100

51. sometimes i think i should just resort to becoming a monk
52. troy bright is absolutely the best singer that i've ever heard in my life
53. some of my pet peeves are people...the actual sight of a particular person
54. everytime...i mean EVERYtime i see whathisname, i'm underdressed.
55. and he says, "How you doing Khristi?"
56. and I say "how does it look like i'm doing? Insignificant and Underdressed!"
57. well i don't exactly say that
58. but i think it
59. my nephew can do NO wrong
60. i have this thing about eating a green vegetable with dinner
61. jay manuel is still hot
62. i asked God to deliver me from 11 years of General Hospital
63. tamara braun left the show
65. ever heard of archbishop veron ashe?
66. neither have i
67. but he stole my heart at church last Sunday
68. now he's officially one of the most intelligent men i've ever encountered
69. shoutout to mugga!
70. who when i see tiffany and ask him if i look better than her he shakes his head
71. but it's never really exactly a no
72. but never really exactly a yes either
73. i don't believe in horoscopes
74. my pity parties officially only last one hour now
75. as opposed to one week as they used to do
76. thank you Jesus
78. I watch That's So Raven and I laugh really hard
79. although i'm not down with the whole psychic thing
80. is it a bad thing that i've planned my schedule around the sept. 21st premiere of Top Model?
81. i have no prom pictures to show my children
82. and i'm okay with that
83. Way to go Joel and Victoria Osteen!
84. shoutout to my new roommate by the way
85. a birds been stuck in parents' chimny for 3 days
86. it's literally breaking my heart
87. my mom is always right even when she's wrong
88. when my dog brandy died, my mom cried for 3 days
89. now that the bird's stuck in the chimney she's having flashbacks
90. oops, I didn't call ebonee back
91. both Princeton Seminary and Temple were at the Bottom of my list for school choices
92. and i thought i'd only be at Princeton for 2 years
93. but now it looks like 4
94. i have had 4 "prophetic" husbands
95. shoutouts to all of them
96. I'm very happy with my life
97. I have no regrets
98. I plan to change the world
99. one atheist, one skeptic and one postmodernist at a time.
100. there, 100!


  • Here I am in my door room all by myself on the very first of my new life at Temple. This is not good. I am not the girl who sparks up a conversation with the other person in the elevator or joins another groups conversation during dinner in the cafeteria. Speaking of the cafeteria, what am I going to do for breakfast tommorow because I can't help but think how pathetic I will feel going to the cafeteria and eating all by myself. I just now figured it out. Don't eat breakfast.(chuckle)I forgot to mention that the roomate I have been dreading-no that's to harsh-been very skeptical about meeting has not arrived today and now more than ever I wish she were here. Already I've met someone I don't like. I shouldn't say that. This is not good. I'm turning into my mother who always seems to pick out the worst out of people. Oh goodness. I need to put the radio on because my mind like a computer has the tendency to over analyze things which later puts me in a depressive mood. It's tough being a pessimist. Did I mention the cable is not working either which is just making the situation worst because the T.V. has always become my friend when I am in need of one. And I don't even have bravo, the disney channel, or even amc. Yet I have two ESPN Channels. I miss my TiVO.

    The love of my life just called me. Yes the same one whose broken my heart, whose never treated me right, who takes me for granted. I love him. In a week or two I'm going to be distraught because he won't return my calls but for now I am in this whimsical, fictious, delusional, state of mind. I wonder is it just him that can put a smile on my face even when we argue and he is so wrong or is it .... I don't know. (T.E.A.R.S. quote) Now that we've hung up I can't help but wait for his call knowing he'll fall asleep and forget.

    Back to dorm life. What life? I'm still alone and haven't met anyone really. Lost all my contacts from orientation. On a lighter note I like my R.A. so far. I 've come to realize that in my pursuit of trying to not be a pessimist this whole blog is full of negativity.(whimper)

    I'm not going to spruce up or make light of what I'm about to say next but for the past few weeks I hated God more than ever before without fear of damnation. If it makes you feel better, I don't feel that way anymore. But don't push it for complete salvation. My feelings are back to their normalcy. But their is no excuse that anybody procure to explain the ridiculous sufferings I had to endure this summer. Just thinking about it makes me upset. I sware you will have to drug me up and threaten to take the life of my love ones to ever think that I'm getting behind the wheel again. I now have the greatest respect for public transportaion and will use it when in need. Driving is a necessity in Jersey and I don't plan to return if I can help it. And I guess you will assume that this is just bitterness for the time being but I am being so true to my word. This room SUCKS! It's tiny and hot. And I'm just ONLY on the tenth floor. Mind you there's eleven floors in this dorm. I hope things look up. I would pray but I would feel so much like a hypocrite and why would God praise me when I had nothing but hate for him for the past few weeks. I could go on. But then you would be tired of reading as you probably are now. And if you wondering he hasn't called. I'm going to sleep.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:06 PM  

  • THAT WAS SO FUNNY for some reason. Definite TEARS moment. I tried to call you. Did you get my message? I'll be there with a friend on the 6th and we can take you for lunch depending on when you're available. Why don't you just call...or e-mail me? I really don't want to post my e-mail on my blog.
    "The love of my life just called me. Yes the same one whose broken my heart, whose never treated me right, who takes me for granted. I love him."

    By Blogger Khristi Lauren, at 5:03 AM  

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