The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Friday, May 13, 2005

Indecent Proposal

So what if?
What if God approached me with the opportunity that for one week, I could live a lifestyle of sin without consequence.
Would I take it?
Just think of all of the things that I could do, places that I could go without the guilty conscience.
Would I accept it?
The life that was so hard to leave behind, I could embrace for one week without struggle.
Even if I could do this without the sense of conviction; even if I were allowed,
Would it be worth it?
This indecent proposal.
If it were offered, and I accepted and took full advantage of this freedom for one week, would it be worth sacrificing the righteousness that Christ had washed and sanctified?
Would it be worth having to struggle after to get back to that place that I fought so hard to get to?
Would it be worth sacrificing my soul for ONE WEEK!
But then came the worst thought of them all.
If God allowed and If I accepted, would it be worth taking advantage of His Grace?
His Love?
His Mercy?
His Kindness?
And I realized that’s what I’ve been doing all along...
Accepting an indecent proposal that had never been offered to me in the first place.


  • Wooh. That was too deep. I'm going to have to carry this one around with me. Thanks for that!


    By Blogger Chops, at 12:20 PM  

  • If you think about grace then we all live lives of sin without consequence temporal or eternal. IF you mean living a life of sin without guilt then that is a whole other thing. Guilt is mostly self imposed about things that I think God would have us rather get on about. Still I understand what you are intimating here with this post. - glassdarkly

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:19 AM  

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