The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Monday, April 04, 2005

Man of God

Called beyond the standards of normal, to exceed the limits of greatness. That's you...Yes, you. Fearfully, wonderfully made and sculpted to perfection in the image of the Most High God. You are personified perfection hiding between the walls of average. Proudly boasting and defining yourself by time…fading time…ending time. I wonder about you. I wonder at you. Beautiful man of God. Who told you that you were not the picture of splendor and the perfect illustration of God's brilliance? Love visits you daily. Grace covers you nightly. You are a prince well deserving of a king's inheritance. You can do anything. You are better than the pain that lusts after you. You've been designed to finish the race as the victor. It's your race. It's your reward. Why are you still running? Running from who you are. You are exceptional. You're called sit among dignitaries and priests. Your influence is contagious. When you speak, the power of your words is made evident among the nations. Your compassion is selfless and your love is awaited. When you pray, He listens because you are His son. He hears you. He loves you. You will live and not die, rich in the weight of glory that proceeds you. I am amazed at who you are. I am amazed at who you will become. They won't be able to stop you. Your mind is too advanced for mediocrity. You weren't designed to fail, so you won't. You will achieve what it is that you were put here for. You will conceive from the depths of the creative ability that you were given. And it will spring forth as your children and call you blessed. And your offspring will multiply righteousness throughout the earth…and He'll be pleased. He is pleased with you already.


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