The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Thursday, March 31, 2005

I’m a victim of the "You’re My Wife" Exploitation.

Hi everyone. My name is Khristi, and I’m a victim of the “You’re My Wife” Exploitation.

I remember the day of my first attack. I was just 19 years old. I just recently gave my life to Christ and was serious about changing my life, when he approached me. It all started as a friendly exchange of advice between two individuals. As time went on he wasn’t so friendly anymore. Piano tunes went from Kirk Franklin to Brian Mcknight serenades. And before I knew it, he layed it on me; Khristi, God told me you’re my wife”. I was elated. To be this particular man’s wife was an honor. I immediatley assumed my position, skipping not one, but two steps in the process. But alas, sadly to say, he drifted away and my fairytale pseudo-spiritual pre-mature engagement, was no longer. I didn’t see it coming. I didn’t even realize that I had been victimized. So I hid into the crevasses of “woulda, shoulda, coulda”.
Until my next attack.
They told me that we were destined by God to be together. They told me that God spoke to each one of them personally, that he was my husband. And I believed them. Not God. I believed it. Not God. I believed the prophesy. Not God. But alas, sadly to say, he drifted away, far, far, away, and my fairytale pseudo-spiritual, pre-mature engagement, was no longer.
Until the next attack.
And the next.
And the next.
And the next.
“Khristi God told me.” “Khristi God told me.” “Khristi God told me.”
“You’re MY Wife.”
It was a little over a year ago when I was last victimized. As he turned to me on his last words and said to me, “Khristi, I’ve been praying about us”, I had enough. I said, “What did God say, and don’t tell me He told you I’m your wife?” He was thrown off. I had beat him at his own game.
Silly, Silly, Silly manipulators. Not confident enough in your own abilities to win me over that you whip out your bag-o-spiritual tricks to spook me into believing that I’m your wife? Ha! I’m sure if you really were confident enough in your own abilities to win me over, you wouldn’t have needed to use God in your own selfish endeavor. I mean, He would’ve been there all along.


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