The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

I Feel The Need To Repeat Myself

At this point, it doesn't matter who you hate more because either one is equally unhealthy. It is in my deduction from ample experience that hatred aimed in the wrong direction is disastrous. I don't even find misfortune in pain, if in the end, that pain has produced fruit. So yes, you find more pain and despair, but your digging is in vain. Your endless hole is the result of your desire to seek change as you insensibly obliterate yourself from the equation. If you agree that you are, in fact, the created, then you'll also agree that your sole responsibility is to surrender to the Creator. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, "The Devil made me do it". But, it is lucidly evident that pain and evil exist through man. Therefore, in spite of Satan's tempting and constant badger, man is the subject through which it exists. Man does have free will. Man has the choice to surrender their spirit to evil…to Satan…to unrighteousness. At the end of the day even the bible thrashing Christian exterminators that constantly remind us to love our neighbor and turn the other cheek, associate a bad person with evil. So, when evil visits us who consider ourselves "good", or even "Christian", we are perplexed at how our "good" God could allow such evil to happen to us good people. And I'm definitely not an advocate of the sadist God theory. However, I don't believe that God wishes pain and despair on His children though it is pain and despair in vain that is the worst disaster of all. You see, man's free will has opened doors of evil to pervade throughout our declining world for centuries and generations. As a result, the "good" have become victimized (especially children [vulnerability]) So the reality of pain cannot be escaped. But it can be overcome. This pain that we experience can be used to glorify the kingdom of God and make a bold statement that this pain will not be in vain. But it's with use of our own free will to surrender our spirit man to it's Creator, that we will conquer this reality. Lewis says, "The human spirit will not even begin to surrender self-will as long as all seems well with it." So, you're right. Life doesn’t have to be this way. He could stop it. He could change it. But it starts with you.


  • Indeed. It does start with us. I hope more and more "Christians" come to the same revelations you have pointed out in this post!


    By Blogger Chops, at 10:21 AM  

  • Khriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiistiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.
    Booga Booga Booga.
    You're right.
    But we can't understand or speak enough about that mystery of God's inevitable Exaltation...
    No matter what WE do, HE gets SOME kind of glory...
    An appropriate question would be: who are we hurting when we choose evil?
    I read it.

    By Blogger Puddleglum, at 6:21 PM  

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