The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Desertion In The 9th Hour

Dennis Bratcher once quoted that the name Immanuel, in one occasion in the gospels, was written not as a name for Jesus but as a confession of the nature of God as revealed in Jesus who is the Christ. I thought this interesting...that God was with us through the physical incarnation of Jesus Christ. I didn’t find it interesting because I never knew that God was manifested through His son, Jesus the Christ. Conversely, I was engrossed by one man, Jesus Christ to carry the fullness of the glory of God within His self and then at his lowest point...the time when He needed God the most...the time when this manifest presence and exemplified nature to be magnified the most, we read “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?”

The pain.

The agony.

Desertion in the 9th hour.

Jesus experienced the distress of 9th hour desertion. Time and time again, I counsel individuals who have spit on the name of Yahweh all because of what seemed like 9th hour desertion. The pain that was not caused by God, but by men, but allowed by God because of the greater weight of glory far more exceeding and eternal. So it was permitted. And now...and now salvation is available to all. And now...and now Christ is on the throne soon to return to gather His sheep for their crowning. And now...and now, we have power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. Just imagine, if some of us had endured our afflictions even though we felt desolate. Imagine the exceeding glory that would be presented before us. Have you asked God the same question?

I have.


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