The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Khristi World News

**My brother has this bright idea of starting up again. I mean, it hasn’t really gone anywhere, but the ministry collapsed over a year ago. Then it solely became a place to write a little something when someone felt led even if it meant that it took a few months to do it. Then I quit. I know he’s being led by the Lord and all, but how convenient for everyone to get all serious right around the time I get accustomed to blogging on anything. You can’t blog on anything on iansweredthecall. Strictly discipleship.

**I’m looking foward to the Once Upon a Dream project but starting this theater production company is turning into a real just seems like everything I do somehow links back to the company. Take the Picasso play for example. I want to drop it. Especially since rehearsals interfere with Top Model. Did you hear me? I said, they interfere with Top Model. No, I don’t think you heard me. THEY INTERFERE WITH TOP MODEL!!!!!!!! Karma went bad when I let Ebonee know that I was dropping it for Wednesday nights. She seems to think (and so do I) that not only will this experience be beneficial for Once Upon a Dream, but the production company too. Of course that didn’t sway me much, but when she asked me who my master was, I just knew she was trying to throw me for a loop. So I said, “Top Model”, and she didn’t think that was very funny. So I stuck with the play.

**Speaking of Picasso and the Lapin Agile. I think Steve Martin wrote this play to torture me: A one-act play with no scene changes and full of dry humor. Rehearsals are torture and my director has often projected that this play will be painful. I agree.

**Here’s a dilemma. You have to teach 2 classes in which you have no time within your week to teach them. One class is a sort of prerequisite for the other class. What do you do? You make them into one class! I don’t know if this is pure guidance and creativity from the Holy Spirit or just plain laziness. I’m taking my Leadership Training class and making that 14 weeks. During the course of those 14 weeks, one of their projects is to come up with a curriculum and teach the other 6-week class called The Absolute Project that they took last semester. This way not only did I manage my time, but I don’t have to teach the second class. Perfect!

**I’m still praying about my new job as the Assistant to the Youth Pastor. What? After the initial meeting, my response was, “I don’t need a title to do what I already do.” When I originally took my job working at the CDC as youth specialist, Mike was my boss. Mike left 6 months ago and he’s still my boss. Whether he’s my boss at work or my boss at church, he will always be my boss because he’ll always see me as his subject. So please, don’t insult me with a title. It’s already frustrating as it is.

**I’m going to California again in March. Pastor Matthew’s not into the phone or the e-mail thing, so for his convenience, I save for a few weeks and have to travel 3,000 miles for a board meeting and just to get some good advice. But he assures me that as soon as LHWE begins to generate more revenue, he’ll pay me.

**I don’t sleep in my room much anymore. My room has turned into this sanctuary in which the Holy Spirit will communicate with me all...night...long. I get no sleep so I just sleep on the couch in my living room. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true.

**For some strange reason i’m not looking forward to Princeton at all. I’ll probably get there and throw my bags down and say, “Alright. Let’s just get this over with.” At least the seminary is far from the actual university. But I do look forward to the rush of theological academia and the challenge of sundry doctrine. That excites me.

to be continued...


  • Khristi,

    Being from NJ, are you aware of the upcoming Greater NY Billy Graham crusade? Check out for details on how you and other tristate area youth ministers can get involved.

    By Blogger Jeremy Del Rio, at 1:38 PM  

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