The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Friday, February 04, 2005

My Top 5 Favorite Topics of Conversation

1. Jesus
2. The "Once Upon a Dream" Project
3. UPN's Top Model
4. Homosexuality
5. Prince
Runner Up: Interacial relationships and how it relates to the present day stratification model, slavery and psychology.
**no explanation necessary


  • Hi Chad!
    At first I was going to write that homosexuals were one of my top 5 favorite conversations to have, but then it would have looked like I enjoy talking about homosexuals….in a negative sense…and that's not cool. What winds up happening in my life is that some of my closest friends are homosexual, I wind up mentoring a few others here and there, one of the ministries I'm involved in is one that endorses homosexual deliverance through Christ and overall it just seems that, homosexuality has become a constant reality in my world. Subsequently, it winds up becoming a consistent conversation that I have.

    So, what do I have to say about it? A standard response that you would expect from one like me. I believe that homosexuality in the general sense, is a two part experience. I don't believe that the choice is the struggle with the feelings or the temptation. However, ultimately, the choice is the actual committing of the sin. (If in fact you see it as a form of sin) As with any other sin. And as with this, sin enters through open doors and usually one is attacked in their most vulnerable state (as stated in another comment), which usually winds up being childhood. Thus, the struggle is not the choice, but the act is. I believe that the one who identifies themselves with homosexuality can be delivered from it completely, but a realistic and spiritual approach is absolutely necessary for deliverance. Spiritually, upon a desire and a commitment to change as well as submission to Christ's ability to heal along with realistic considerations that deliverance is a process and not so much as easy as a "thou shalt not".

    By Blogger Khristi Lauren, at 8:26 PM  

  • And speaking of favorite conversations...I just saw Prince's Cinnamon Girl video. I'm not quite sure what that video is all about. But when I saw him rock that guitar I completley forgot about the complexities of the obscure video, because when all is said and done, He's still hot...

    By Blogger Khristi Lauren, at 11:26 AM  

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