The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Sweet Watermelon

Your love is like sweet w a t e r m e l o n
it's like...sweet w a t e r m e l o n
i am satisfied
my spirit gratified
while your nutrients subside
and abide in me

Oooh your trinity
makes me complete
i'm seeing in threes
there's only one of you
whom all things come
through all I do

Weak in the knees
for the pick of your seeds
uprooting the weeds
while my enemies feed
Your juices console
Your Spirit controls
picks me up from the lull
that binds me

You see my inner beauty
and You call me queen
sweet like ice cream
in a little girls dreams

mmm mmm your w a t e r m e l o n
thrills my soul
fills my holes
makes me
whole enough in my single state
to meet the mate that you prescribed
in a land before time
the wait is no mind
i won't fall behind on your test
mystery manifest
i am weak, I confess
it's your love, your sweetness

Sweet w a t e r m e l o n
Creator of the masses
molasses of my trespasses
me You have convinced
Your kindness forced my repentance
forgiven death sentence
i'll be forever more contrite
and in saying so, I bite.


  • Awwwww MAN, Khristi, I actually realy smiled when I read this, because I happen to know the One you're writing about...It's not often that we recognize 'mutual friends' two siblings describing their father, yet not being able to relate...but I kept reading and smiling and thinking:
    "Yeah...He IS like that, isn't He?"


    By Blogger Puddleglum, at 8:21 PM  

  • wow that is one of the nicest well written poems I've ever read. I don't know who you're writing about but that person must have a BIG SMILE on their face right now. Khristi you have talent go on ahead Miss Sweet Watermelon.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:28 PM  

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