The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Orgasm Spasms: Take Two!


Let’s do little role play. You pretend you’re me and i’ll pretend i’m you. You take life’s blows and make the decision I made and i’ll take life’s blows and make the decision you made. The decision, being my investing in the eternal and you investing in...well, I guess in the world. Now let’s say we both die. And let’s just say that death...death is only physical, but the spirit and soul live on. Would you say that you, being me, would have any stock or profit left over? Would I say that me, being you, would have any stock or profit left over. The logical response would be that the one that invested in the eternal would have anything to gain, post-death. Oh and believe me, there is a post-death...for everyone. It’s not death that you should worry yourself with, but the second death that’s cause for concern. For many walk whose end is destruction, whose god is their appetite, and who’s glory is in their shame, who set their minds on earthly things. But my citizenship is in heaven, from which also I wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
I don’t know why God created humans with free will. It’s just making a mess of things. He gives us the choice, tells us what to choose and then we choose option B, throwing our free will in His face. And now our society is 80% full of option B’ers who’ve come to the conclusion that both options were right, just to make ourselves feel better about making the wrong choice.

Okay, so let’s go back. I’m you. And I realize that you, being me, chose option A. And you realize that me, being you, chose option B. What will you do? If you being me say that you love me and you know that by choosing option A you would live eternally, wouldn’t you make it your mission to suede me to choose A? Now that I, being you, has chosen option B willfully, what then is my goal? It surely isn’t to convert you, for I, being you, wouldn’t think that you, being me, has anything to gain by choosing option B. My only motivation would be to get you to realize that there never was an A or a B. Which is about just as much bad philosophy as spoiled collard greens. You and I are both fully aware that there is, in fact, an A and a B. So what is my goal? Is it to mock and ridicule you for making the decisions “He” told you to make? Is it to rule you out as a high-minded, self-righteous “A” chooser? I guess, me, being you, would have no other choice other than to alienate you. All you freaking A’s!

At this point friend, I want to nickname you B, but then you’d probably take insult at the fact that B is naturally secondary to A. So, if you want, you can call me B and i’ll call you A. It really doesn’t matter.


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