The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Friday, December 24, 2004

Null: 2005 and Beyond

You know, I was thinking.
This next year is going to be something isn't it?
For me; for the Body of Christ.
I take it you're aware of this too.
We've had some great times together.
You continuously trying to steal what it is that I possess;
me cluelessly not understanding what it is that I posses that you envy.
Remember last year when you tried to kill me?
I didn't understand it then, but I do understand it now.
And as much as i've enjoyed this game, it's my turn to retreat.

I'm going to take what it is that you fear in me and throw it in your face. I'm going to tear your kingdom down by the Word of the sword. Don't you know this isn't your time? My Father hasn't taken us yet, so WE rule and reign! Oh, and i'm taking some of your people with me. I'm taking back those that you've stolen from me. I'm going to release them from that jail that you call a mind. At the sound of my voice and the power of His spirit, I will reverse every spell. And when I do i'm going to literally cut the living hell out of them. I will suck the poison out from your snake bites. I'm going to put and end to your curse and make a mockery out of your lies and there's nothing that you will be able to do about it. I'll have you begging to be thrown in the hell that YHWH has made for you. When you even think about opening your mouth to release your spittle upon me my angels will hearken to the words of Christ that proceed from my mouth and plague you with shame. Your curses are void. Your threats are null. Your womb is barren. A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but it will not come near me or mine. I will destroy you, and I'll have no need for your weapons. Your bigotry, your lies, your perversions. I am going to stop at nothing to yield my entire being to complete possession of the Holy Spirit. And then i'll no longer be me; i'll be Him. For all who were baptized into Christ, are clothed with Christ. The Word made flesh. I am your worst nightmare. A person with the relinquished power of Christ and the authority to make, even you, bow down to the name of Jesus. What it is that you've created, is what will soon overcome you: Fear. History is only written by the winners and our story is written not in ink but in blood. GYE NYAME.

Are you beginning to see it now?
No....No, this is different.
You've seen it all along.


  • It's time saints! We've been rehearsing and sitting in "How To" classes for too long. This is a call to now walk in boldness and in the authority of Jesus Christ. In the words of KiKi, "The War is on!!" The saints are ready. Are "they"? I DOUBT IT!!!! LOL

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:49 PM  

  • I'm ready for war. Are you? People of God we need to be especially in this new year. Our president is begining his second term in office and we need to stand guard, praying and fasting on his behalf.
    You can't kill me. I can not be defeated. I will walk out the purpose on my life. I will fufill my destiny. I am the righteous of God. A defender of the faith. Lord give us the grace to continue to stand,the strenght to labor, and Your love to touch the hearts of many so that they too shall be saved.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:57 PM  

  • I AGREE.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:54 PM  

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