The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Orgasm Spasms

Oh friend, Why do you continue to complain and complain about those complexities of the Creator, whining hysterically vis-à-vis His nerve. The nerve. Of Him. To cut you off. In the middle. Of your life. To give you life. And then demand. That it not be your own. I pity you, whose freedom comes from bondage. Who'll favor the bluer sky and the hot hell for the whim of a temporary fix. Yes. Yes. That's what that is: A temporary fix. My friend, everything finite has an end. Do you consider yourself immortal? And if you are finite, then the world in which you live, could that too be considered finite? In light of catastrophe, global warming and social decline, I would consider the possibilities. How then, could an immortal, infinite world be as disastrous as the one in which we live? Then, I guess this too has to be considered finite. And if you are finite and the world in which we live is also, then I suppose that everything in which it contains is finite. Every good thing will come to an end. What then do we have to look forward to? What do we have to live for? Nothing apart from Christ. Consider the infinite possibilities! "Only what you do for Christ will last." "Storing things in heaven". "Reaping spiritual from sowing". And let's not forget the grand finale: ETERNAL LIFE Ladies and Gentlemen! It's all so enticing. Ahhhh, the distinct possibilities of life with no end makes me hungry. So why? Why is it so fiercely intricate to part with the temporary? The eternal has become a staunch movement passionately protested by postsexualgnostictransgenderedphilosophical organisms who too, were created for the eternal, but became seduced by the hallucinogenic orgasms that this "world" has to offer. If you are desperately searching for a religion that best suits your needs, I suggest you look in the section of the library entitled, "Eternal Dogma". Why spend your time wasting away venturing through yet another temporary fix? Things to offer you pleasures within the limits of our suspending global sphere. I do encourage you to search. But rather, search wisely. There's nothing worse than a mortal human searching for a mortal god, living in a mortal world just to die a mortals death. It's all so temporary. I don't know. Perhaps I'm just biased as I favor the eternal. Sadly, there are those who want it all now, who want it all here and there only hope is that their resting place is exactly that. I pity them too. My dear friend, I hope that you're smarter than that.


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