The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Martin Luther & the Misfit Anointing

Martin Luther. Extraordinaire. Legend. Father of the Protestant Reformation. Caught in a storm, narrowly missing a bolt of lightening that granted him a second chance to devote his life to Christ. With this awakening, came his desire to become a monk. Luther took God seriously. So serious that he figured that his salvation could come through physical violence against his own temple and by acts of work. His Father in the gospel decides to send him off to school to study scripture. Martin goes and Martin studies and Martin realizes that it's only by faith through the grace of God that a person is saved. Yet the church, the universal Roman Catholic Church had continued to impose tangible means of salvation on the body. The church was turning into a business for profit, selling indulgences as objects that were considered holy. These indulgences would offer salvation, healing and the remission of sins. Martin opposed these indulgences with such indignation that he decided to write 95 objections to them, supported by scripture, and he posted them on the front door of one of the churches. Angered by Luther's brashness, the leaders of the Roman Catholic Church demand a direct apology from Luther. Luther, facing the pope himself says, "With all due respect Your Honor, unless you can support your objections with scripture, I will not recant." Luther knew his candid approach towards the Roman Catholic Church would result in consequences that could only mean death. Albeit, he continued. He continued to write as they continued to burn his books. He continued to preach, as they attempted to kill his predecessors. Finally, Martin decided to translate the bible into a universal language that the entire German community could understand. And then, the real revolt began. And now here we are: The result of the transition of the universal Catholic Church to Protestantism. All because of a misfit.

mis·fit (m s f t , m s-f t ) n.
Something of the wrong size or shape for its purpose.
One who is unable to adjust to one's environment or circumstances or is considered to be disturbingly different from others.

The misfit is the outcast. The misfit is the shepherd boy amongst strong, robust brothers more qualified than he. The misfit somehow missed the minister in training classes, but still managed to bring salvation to everyone on her job. The misfit attends divinity school with no intentions of joining the clergy. The misfit has praise and worship in her basement. The misfit relinquishes his title for the truth of the scripture. The misfit is edgy, not afraid of consequences. The misfit isn't tainted by church. They're not mad at their pastor for not being God. The misfit doesn't fit the proper description of an evangelist, a pastor, a teacher…but they're called. They're anointed. They fear no one. Not the world; Not even the church. Ready to start a revolution, misfit? I am.


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