The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

A Crush: A Beautiful Thing

A Crush can be a beautiful thing if you know your limitations. And this thing I have with whathisname at the gym, is a beautiful thing. No offense to Alicia Keys, but you don't want to know his name. You don't get involved with your crush. I tried that. It didn't work. I was so elated and obsessed by the fact that "I won", that I was completely incapable of getting into a real relationship with him. So I've learned and fate has once again given me yet another chance to do it right this time. You make observations, but you don't analyze them. You reason them out.

Observation: He has this Jason Kidd thing going on.

Alter-Reason: He plays basketball. He was the star in high school. Went to play ball in college. Now pursuing his dream of working in the field of kinesiology. which brings me to my next point:

Observation: He works at Bally's

Alter-Reason: Never mind the fact that he's probably making $8 and hour. This is merely a part time job, along with his full time 9-5. Which would explain why I only see him after 8pm.

Observation: When I see him, he has his Bally's uniform on.

Alter-Reason: He's above throwbacks and fitted's, although on a relaxed day he might dig one out. No. He's Dolce & Gabana meets Kenneth Cole meets Paul Frederick.

Observation: I saw him lifting with free weights.

Alter-Reason: He's not gay. I have this theory that guys that go to the gym and only focus on abs are gay. Anyway, his workout regime is always full body. But his goal isn't to be huge, but healthy; shapely.

Observation: He's personable…funny…witty.

Alter-Reason: He's educated. He's born again. He is a radical, Christed-Out, soldier ready to trample upon the kingdom of darkness awaiting the glory that precedes us! (Okay that may be a bit much)

Do you see my point? Look, but don't touch. Wonder, but don't ask. Observe, but don't investigate. A Crush can be a beautiful thing.

P.S. - You'll know if I've broken my rules of standard if one day this blog magically disappears.


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