The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Martin Luther & Liberation Theology

“..and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” I guess the quintessence of true Liberation Theology is that all theology in the name of Jesus is liberating. And I also guess that the illusion of such play on words would have had me spellbound if not for my flare for analytical study. Liberation Theology of the 21st Century should instead be called, Postmodern Theology. Of course there’s no such thing, but we’re living in a world where people like to feel better about sin. I mean, is the term “sin” even in the dictionary anymore? Of course not, because after all, there’s no such thing. Then of course the term “conscience” couldn’t be there either because it’s the conscience that makes man aware of his sin. Yet, even still, our strange creation has even come up with a remedy for that called Zoloft, as a means to treat depression. Luther found liberation in Christ Jesus. He found liberation in proper hermeneutical and exegetical interpretation of scripture. Apart of a group that proclaimed the freedom in Christ, they promoted bondage instead. They taught that all salvation is amongst the Roman Catholic Church. It was Luther that declared the truth of the scripture. Luther wanted everyone to know the truth, so he translated the Bible so that everyone (not just the church leaders) could read the liberating realities that it presented. I don’t suppose Martin Luther would oppose Liberation Theology, but he would oppose Postmodern Theology. If the truth is Christ Jesus and the truth is His word, then why label anything contrary, liberating? There’s nothing liberating about enslavement. What’s even worse is that you’ve been fooled into believing that your bondage is really your freedom. I think Luther would rename it, Confinement Theology. Cute.


  • Umm... Every time you write "conscious", the context seems to call for conSCIENCE. They're two different words, as you can see. Didn't wanna nitpick on your site, but the malaprop kinda undermines your argument and its credibility.

    Sorry. I'm a geek.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:29 PM  

  • You know, I actually have "consciously" been aware of how I was using the word "conscious"...or "conscience" now thanks to you, totally ignoring the fact that there was yet another spelling and synonomous, yet different definition out there. Note taken constructively from another fellow nitpicker. (-:

    By Blogger Khristi Lauren, at 10:40 PM  

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