The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Remember Lorie.

His wife died
and now his eyes tell his story
of sorrow exceeding pain
and grief beyond despair
when she died so did he
trapped between worlds
hoping that fate would draw near.
His wife died
and nights remain sleepless
escaping the realities that a dream might bring him
her smell, her laugh, her love,
a reminder that they no longer exist.
His wife died
he swears he still sees her
watching over him, tucking the children in
keeping her clothes in tact
half bottle of perfume on the dresser
to convince himself, she's still here.
His wife died
he wades in the water
hoping that it would swallow him
and take him to her
the sting of death is the only way to bring him life again.
His wife died
his tears are internal
tearing away at the heart that remains
futile, useless
just enough love remaining to kiss the children goodnight.
His wife died
his words are hollow and echo with
Remember When She?
Remember When We?
Remember Lorie?


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