The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

The Language of the 21st Century Spritual Infidel According to Myself...and Lewis of Course.

God - 1. Someone ignored during time of ignorant bliss; Someone summoned in time of need or great distress.
2. Someone who created us for the sole purpose of us creating Him.

Lewis' definition: Whatever the universe happens to be doing next.

Religion- 1. A spiritual lifestyle only embraced when it's doctrinal views include enthusiastic acceptance of "other religions" or lifestyles.
2. A spiritual lifestyle that's normally rejected by the mass when it's doctrinal stance believes that theirs is "the way". Usually Christianity.

Love- A conditional feeling; a high.

Truth- 1. Whatever's proper for that particular person.
2. A belief stemming from a persons upbringing, social construct and environment.

Christian- 1. A hypocrite; a bigot, who unjustly believes that they posses the absolute truth.
2. One who influences political agendas by inflicting morality and ethics on others.

Lewis' definition: Includes no idea or belief. Usually a vague term of approval. 'A decent chap who's unselfish etc.'

Church- A place to go to some Sunday's, "Easter" and Christmas.

Dogma- Lewis' definition: Used by people only in a bad sense to mean 'unproved assertion delivered in an arrogant manner'.

Immorality- No such thing.

Sin- No such thing unless it includes something that would cause physical harm to another.

Spiritual- A sensual feeling or state of being that a person considers to label themselves when they are in tune with the universe as being open to all things atypical.

A Virgin: a what?

(all Lewis' definitions taken from God on the Dock)


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