The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Preparing to Deliver God's Word on a Full Stomach

Now I realize why I never do it. Here I sit, meditating on God's Word on a full stomach. I prayed a prayer on my way to picking up Baja Fresh. I said, "Lord, tomorrow let me preach so full off Your Word that I'm about to explode!" Then I got my Quesadillas. And now I'm stuffed. My spirit man attempting to levitate to the very state that my flesh has found comfort. And now I know why I always fast before I deliver God's Word. I suppose this wouldn't be so great an issue if I considered myself living a lifestyle of consecration. Oh don't get me wrong, I fast often. But, I got convicted when Creflo called it a hunger strike. A hunger strike. That seems to be exactly what I do. I strike from food while I complain about my job, cuss the next person out and ignore God. But I feel so much better after…I'm done striking that is. I feel so much better after…my conscience feels better that is. Like I just did God a favor. Hmmm…now I understand why my bible miraculously opened to Isaiah 58 the other day. Ha! Isn't that something?


  • Yo, that's the worst...
    my church meets on Saturday evenings with a meal and creative sharing...many time's I've been that creative sharER...and the wayit works is, Bible Study (Interactive Sermon), food, then the musical or dramatic or creative guest....

    It's more than just nervous butterflies...when you eat before you share anything, it just feels wrong...I can't sing right or recite right or even think right if my fat belly is's like I've removed my symbolic hunger.

    By Blogger Puddleglum, at 10:20 PM  

  • Maybe it was a subconscious thing, but I couldn't bring myself to eat this morning before I left. In my mind, I wnated to, but I just couldn't do it. So, I did again, what I never do. I preached on an empty stomach. It's usually the other way around. You know, prepare on the empty and preach on the full. Thank God for grace because I didn't realize how hungry I was until after it was over. It must've been full with something.

    By Blogger Khristi Lauren, at 11:33 AM  

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