The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Personal Therapeutic Prescription

I have by far had the roughest week of 2005 thus far. And by the end of it all, I just needed a little therapy. A little personal therapy to ease some of the strain on my heart from aching and my mind from constant mull and contemplation. Personal therapy is your personal diagnosis. It's what you know you need in order to temporarily vacate the cares of this world and the millstones that weigh us down on our journeys to glory. I realized that I needed a quick prescription on Friday when the words "nervous breakdown" slowly became a daunting reality as I sat and stared at my computer screen at work..
*Something told me to call an old friend of mine.
Prescription #1 - The gentle sound of a voice of one who is non-bias.
He knows i'm not incompetent, but at the same time he knows that i'm not assuring. He sounded so concerned. Although I never told him what happened, it was his voice that alleviated some of the stress. And since there's no point in opening up any old closets, that was the extent of this particular conversation. But hey if you're out there, "Thank you."

*Remind me of the beauty of innocence.
Prescription # 2- My nephew and my sister
I love them. They are so happy even inspite of the hell around them. So I watched them smile all night and I was reminded.

*Hit the city.
Prescription # 2 - Thrift Shopping
Philadelphia is the best place to do this. Green Street in the Village is just too burdensome of a travel to me. Plus, since I lived in Philly, I know where all the hot spots are. There's nothing more therapeutic than to leave a store with 3 huge bags of clothes and you only paid $50.

*Hungry for culture.
Precsription # 3 - Kabaas
My favorite Indian restaurant in Philadelphia. I love to talk to the guys that work there. We always talk about India. I feel so cultured when I leave. No matter how superficially American it may sound.

*Cat Nap
Prescription #4 - Sleep
When I struggled with depression I used to sleep my problems away. When I got delivered, I still slept. Now I realize, it's just something I like to do, cause I don’t get enough of it. If you find yourself a person constantly on the go, when you have a day to rest…REST.

*Shop again.
Prescription #5- The Mall
Okay, I know I've mentioned shopping already, but thrift shopping alone isn’t very fashion smart.

*Quality Time
Prescription #6- Worship
Jesus…Lover of my soul…Jesus….the one that makes me whole. He promised that if we'd keep our minds stayed on Him then we would be in perfect peace. When all is said and done, church isn't my therapy, nor are the politics of religion or any other tangible element of Christendom. It's Jesus. It's our relationship.


  • You forgot cookies.
    Warm soft chewy home-made gigantinormous chocolate chip cookies. And if I'm REALLY driving myself into the ground, it's time to share a Friday's Brownie Obsession with a totally platonic female friend who's not out to make you her ribcage.

    Whoa, Khristi, I think you may have started something...I might imitate your list, and it will spread like wildfire! Blogs across the globe will be prescribing their own cures for their own yicks.
    (What's a yick? I think I heard Johnny Cass say it.)

    By Blogger Puddleglum, at 12:41 AM  

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