The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Friday, April 01, 2005

I Speak Sacrifice Through Affordable Interruptions

I have 10 minutes to talk about interruptions before my next interruption. So family, I’ve always been a strong believer that interruptions are things that we just can’t afford...i think especially as Christians....and especially as extremists. (if you so happen to fit into those categories) Albeit, I continue to hold strong to my beliefs, even though at this point, I have concluded that there is a such thing as an affordable interruption. Let me define. An interruption is something that seeks your attention that does not already fall into your normal routine. Routine of living, routine of thinking, routine of feeling, routine of working etc. etc. etc. For example, personal change is clearly an affordable interruption. It may not be easy or even pleasurable, however in the end, you, as an individual, benefit the most from change. An affordable interruption needs to be a wise decision on the part of the receiver. For myself, at the stage i’m in, in my life, an interruption is an automatic investment. So as weird as it may sound, I see just about everything as stock. Even if I decide to hang out on the weekend in Philly with some friends, it’s ultimately adding to the stock of my own social therapy, which in the long run, will keep me sane, in light of my other responsibilities. This is exactly why I don’t frivolously date. It’s an investment that has to be worth investing into. If you’re going to be interrupted, at least have put some good thought into it. And in the end, if it doesn’t work out, it’s not a failure of your own, but however, a bad investment...a plummeted stock. But be assured in knowing that you were confident in your decision after consciously deeming that an affordable investment. Because I am an extremist, I have to multi-task to avoid overworking and overexertion in one area. Because I multi-task, my interruptions are few and far between. Iit was just two weeks ago when I was confronted with the question “Are you sure you can handle this?”, in regards to my most recent decision to begin the outset yet a new affordable interruption. And truthfully, when making the decision to invest, one won’t be so confident in knowing the outcome. Yet another reason for assurance in your decision and on the other hand what lies ahead of you is the possibility of a potentially fruitful outcome. But Be Careful. Interruptions should not be burdensome. They should absolutely not steal your peace. You should have a heart for your interruption and the potential for a growing passion. Why even this blog is an interruption in my day full of constant events. Nevertheless, I have a passion for writing, and if that means being interrupted, then i concede. Furthermore with every interruption comes some sort of sacrifice. But sacrfice is not far from my language. I speak it rather often.


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