The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Khristi World News

Yesterday was the opening day of Picasso at the Lapin Agile. I’ll have to admit that my earlier predictions were false. Yes, rehearsals have been torture. 6hours here. 8 hours there. When I heard the first few laughs the first few minutes of the show, I remembered, “Hey this is a comedy by Steve Martin. Hey this is a funny show”. People were laughing hysterically at random stuff. I was pleased.

But you know, my mom tries to make me feel guilty when she calls me at work with her, “Well hello there” phone calls, indicating that I’m never home. When I do get home they’re sleep. When I wake up, they’re gone. I missed my little sister’s big taco dinner the other day and I felt bad, so I wound up sleeping in her room with her. Well, actually, my basement is too junky for habitation and I need a place to bunk until I’m home long enough to clean it up.

I have a personal assistant. We really didn’t plan for it to be that way, but I do. Zaire comes to help and volunteer at the center. She talks to me in my office when I’m bored. She’s assisting in this Picasso show and playing a small role. She helps me at JAM. If I’m on my way somewhere she always remembers if there’s anything I forgot. She finishes my sentences and thoughts when I’m business and ministry brainstorming. Last week I told her that as soon as she graduates and DLG has taken off financially, I’ll start her at 30k as a full time. I’m so serious.

Franklin Prom is on May 6th. Okay, okay I’m 23 years old and I’m looking forward to the Franklin Prom. But if you don’t know me, I’m extremely close with the teens at the Center and from JAM. So much to the point that my boss let me take a half-day for that day so that I can chauffer one of the girls around to get her hair and makeup done. After which I’ll hit the promenade circuit by 4:30 so that I can watch the kids walk the red carpet while I scream like a madman. Plus all my homies will be home and they’ll be there too.

DLG Productions 1023 501c3 application has been sent off. That was the longest application ever in life. But DLG is so ridiculously official now. We even have an application for individuals or organizations that want to apply. We have a constitution, bylaws, staff and a board of trustees.

I’m looking for a roommate, cause there’s no way I’m staying on campus. Long story. But of course the Plainsboro area, West Windsor and Hamilton look pretty decent. I don’t want to be too far away from the church and the center, but at the same time, I don’t want to be too far away from school. I have a few months to handle it all.

I met up with Marvin at F.I.T. to see Plantanos and Collard Greens last week. I figured I’d give him a shoutout in the World News. Interesting piece of ensemble they delivered. We wound up re-depicting it as a dramatic discourse of the social and political aspects between Hispanics and Blacks past, present and future. Because otherwise, it would have been recognized as a play and that’s just not what that was that we saw.

Pastor Matthew will be up here in Philly in June for the Sexual Healing Conference. Registration is free. Hello? Did you hear me? Registration is free. Take advantage. Working on his Marketing Plan has been pitiful, because I haven’t been. Why did I agree to be his Marketing Manager? Truthfully, not because I have the time, but because he’s i’ll be there to ride the bandwagon when it leaves the stable.

Oh yeah, I received the Editor’s Choice Award from for Remember Lorie. I was humbled. She was a really great person.

And you know, Christ’s unconditional love, grace and unmerited favor continues to sustain me as I venture through this world of humanistic individualism, and proclaim the absolute truth of His gospel through every...yes, every endeavor. (-:

to be continued...


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