The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The "Too Single" Chronicles...the saga continues

SHONoto: what kind of men do you usually find attractive?
KhristiA: ummm. well i don't have too much of a preference. though at the moment, i prefer who i'm with right now...for the moment. so i guess that would be, educated. goal oriented. cunning. humorous. a bit of a challenge.
SHONoto: You are with someone? That's great!! I was thinking that all of this time you've been single.
KhristiA: all what time?
SHONoto: since I last saw you.
KhristiA: oh wow. that's a long time. i've dated a few guys in the last 4 years. lol. i'm just not all extra vocal about it.
SHONoto: I just thought you were being ultra spiritual
KhristiA: wow. you don't know me at all do you?
SHONoto: you can be hard to get to know if you want to be.
SHONoto: at least for me
KhristiA: well the reality is, i haven't physically seen you in quite a while sir. nor have we had consistent communication. i'm not nearly the same person i was at the owl cove.
SHONoto: true, and I don't think we really knew each other then either.
KhristiA: true
SHONoto: I know a side of the old you, not the depth. Now I guess, that may be irrelevant information.
SHONoto: I'm still pretty sure your a wonderful person though. changes or not.
KhristiA: lol
KhristiA: okay then
KhristiA: but anyway, i'm not on my way to the altar if that's what you think. i'm chillin
SHONoto: that's cool. I was gonna try to hook you up to speak to my buddy from church. He would have really matched well with the old you that I didn't know well?!?!?! LMAO
SHONoto: by the way, who is solomon's third cousin, on his mama's side?
SHONoto: I get confused with 3rd and second cousins and stuff liket that
KhristiA: hook me up? LOL
KhristiA: i don't know who solomon's 3rd cousin is...i just asked it tryin to be funny
SHONoto: lol
SHONoto: you must be kidding
KhristiA: kidding about solomon or the hook me up thing?
SHONoto: I'm hear studying
SHONoto: saying ok, bathsheba's father was,, and so who was his brother and blablabla
KhristiA: ohhh
SHONoto: Not hook you up like to date or anything, just introduce you and see if you become friends or whatever.
KhristiA: friends huh? i have a few of those.
KhristiA: LOL
KhristiA: just kidding.
KhristiA: kinda
SHONoto: :-s hmmm.....
SHONoto: that's cool.


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