The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Evoking the Presence of a 3rd Party

What about this concept…this…idea fascinates us? With the movie industry investing in stock of movies inundating us with storylines of mysticism and fear at the hands of a mysterious 3rd party, one can’t help but wonder, why the fixation? Whether good or evil personified, if able to do nothing else, they are rational; Rational enough to persuade human beings by their various methods to respond fittingly to whatever their particular intention or aim. Fascinated by the monster in the closet, the ghosts that resided in the house before or the happenchance of a bloody Mary appearing in the bathroom mirror. Noooo, Jason. Noooo, Freddy…you’re no longer needed. Too natural for the appetite of the masses. Too able to be explained away. In our ignorance we are smart enough, however, to go beyond ourselves. No matter how much one can attempt to simplify experiences beyond the basics of ecology drawing conclusions of fairytales. No matter how much one can explain away ones worship experience with accusations of emotionalism. It seems that what came with our human-ness is some sort of innate foreknowledge that there is, or can be evoked, the presence of a 3rd party.


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