The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Blame Aunt Flo!

The natural thing to do would be to blame Aunt Flo. I mean, after all, everything is her fault after all. There’s the pre-period time which is like a week or two before your period, in which you’re grouchy because you’re about to come on your period. Then there is the actual period. You’re grouchy because you’re on your period. Then there is post-period. You’re grouchy and maybe experiencing difficulties because you just got off. While this may be a bit extreme of an excuse, it remains excusable in lieu of what I call, “The Grace Period”. This leaves “The Neutral Period”. This is the time when you may have 5-7 days (at most a week ½) when you can no longer blame Aunt Flo for your moodiness and/or grouchiness. Well, Aunt Flo won’t be visiting me for another 2 ½ weeks, so what the h*ll is my problem?


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