The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Whose God? Who's God?

My ex-flame-turned-wannabe-BFF disclosed his Philosophy of God the other day equating God with the infamous secular humanist conception of nature, justice and community. This shouldn’t have rendered me in the least bit surprised, however to know it and hear it seem to be two different phenomenon. Anywho…God = Nature rather than Nature = God I find problematic for a variety of reasons. God = Nature, to me, would mean that nature has spiritual components. And while yes, metaphorically speaking this can be concocted into some grandiose revelation, yet physically, I don’t think this is so. Nature is distinct from man (gender inclusive). Man however (biblically speaking) is a dualistic being. Body and Spirit. Or one can argue a tri-part being (body soul and spirit), but for the purposes of this thought, I’ll stick with dualistic. Nature is merely nature. Nature, while it can reflect characteristics of God, cannot solely be God because God is spirit. Nature is not. If “God” is creator of man and God is nature, then how can man transcend God in our very makeup? We, as beings are made in the image and likeness of God. Therefore the reflection has to be a replica in makeup. If one wants to say that man is just Body and Soul then they can argue against the idea of anything spiritual or even a spiritual God. However, nature still couldn’t be my God because nature has no Soul. Nature has no thought process. Nature, has law, rules of succession, beauty and creativity, but no mind of its own. Nature has no sense of personality or self-realization. Then again, man cannot be my God because man is limited by the laws of nature although they have access to spiritual things, yet and still, they come and go as mere mortals. Man can furthermore not be my God as they are dependant on this natural environment to sustain. I cannot bring myself to worshiping man for a variety of reasons…one being their dependence. One can have the most brilliant of minds of all men and women, yet if there were no air they would die. I do, however, credit nature in its God-likeness in that the body requires the environment in order to exist. Yet and still this gives more evidence in the case of God = nature in that this tells me about God instead of leading me to deduct that this be God. If nature was God then we would solely be governed by the laws of nature. And if we were, then I’d say, yes, nature can be my God. But how can a spiritual God be limited to natural law? It doesn’t seem logical. Say it aint so. That nature, which is in fact, my God, can be as limited as moral man? There has to be both natural and spiritual law to govern dualistic beings.
There is a conflict in that man is dependant on it’s natural environment and it’s natural environment is governed by natural law in which is constituents don’t reflect what it supposedly created in it’s likeness. Nature in its fullness is seemingly unlimited in its resources that can teach us any and everything about life, love, happiness et cetera. Unfortunately, that doesn’t necessarily make it God. I’m sorry, I’m just not sold on the idea of equating nature with God.


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