The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The "Too Single" Crew Summer Update

When we last left Dre he was very confident going into the summer…
“I spent my entire summer at work. I decided that if I have to be single. The worst thing I could do is sit at home alone or worst...attempt to have fun with my single friends. So in order to avoid multiple dinners, meeting for drinks or mall invasions, I decided I would work more. Unfortunately, I worked so much that I realized just this past sunday that I have not done anything with anyone this entire summer. I was sitting on my front porch with my cousin for the first time in months and I really needed to do some work so I asked my cousin to come inside and talk to me as I worked and she said No, I want to enjoy the last days of summer, its so nice out. That sentence hit me like a ton of bricks. I had'nt even had a summer and she reminded me that it was the end. I havent been on vacation, went to a picnic, amusement park, pool party. Anything. I have been no where. I have not one memory of Summer 2006. No summer romance...No summer fling..I'd even settle for a Summer Bad Date. Nothing! And now its over.

When we last left Latosha she was optimistic about the freedom of summer…Tosha began the summer having ended a long relationship with Wally, affectionately known as “grandpa” moving onto an international man who was more her age. She hasn’t abandoned her knack for “flirting shamelessly”, but she cut back on late night visits for lovin and substituted them with a more self-assured “I can do bad all by myself” attitude. Taking her life into her own hands, she’s on a path of self-discovery, vows to date here and there in the meantime, but is by no mean proceeding to get into any relationships anytime soon…maybe.

When we last left Ebonee she was going into another birthday… Happy 25th Birthday Ebonee…the question inquiring minds want to know is: What guy did you spend it with this year? Drumroll please………………………………….
The lucky winner is Clayton Robinson. Please go to the back to reclaim your prize. Ebonee has found a new pastime but an old one in the Christian world. The good ole fashioned Church singles clique. IHOP after the singles bible study anyone? And if we know Ebonee, there’s got to be a love interest in the midst. It didn’t take long for her singleness to find a potential mate. Her singleness is never alone, as she began the summer in her self professed single state with one, even now that she decided to slow things down with him, her singleness has found a new man. Ebonee continues her walk through her singleness, yes single…but never alone. When we last left Khristi, she committed to dating herself…“I met a cutie-patutee (a word tosha concocted for my friend John) this summer. His name was *&%^. A beautiful creation in just about every physical attribute and the token trophy to flaunt around town. Granted, I wasn’t interested. I tried very hard though…ask both Tosha and Ebonee. First off, he was way too cute. I can’t believe I’m saying that, but yes. Who wants to fight off women their entire lives? Second, he was way too pushy at one point saying, “I’m looking for my wife”. Whoah horsey, while I treasure the idea of commitment, marriage is the end of a 3,000 mile journey on foot to me. Third, a good percentage of the reason why he was interested in me was because I wasn’t interested in him. This fascinated him as women usually fall at his mercy at one glance. (no really, it sounds extreme, but I’ve seen it on more than one occasion) So from the start this is a game…catch the hard to get round-the-way girl whose disinterest is attractive. I’m tired. I figure, if I aint gonna get the knight and shining armor, an idea that I’ve let go of for some time now, or the beautiful happily-ever-after marriage, then I’ll need something to humor me while I continue this journey of life. (I’m about to go on a rant that sounds really wrong but I’m going through a phase which I’ll soon be able to overcome) Nope. Don’t want a typical, as Dyson would say, “minister-as-omnicompetent-stud-and-stand-in-for-God.” No fasting and praying man of God for me or regular church going faithful to the pastor man. BO-RING. Give me a good ole’ fashioned unbeliever. And I’m not talking one of those “What God done fo’ me lately?” brothas, because most of the time they really do believe in God, they just mad. No, I refer solely to those individuals who have thoughtfully concluded that God is any and everything but what the Christians and Jews have concluded. I figure, either way you set yourself up for disappointment, why not practice your apologetics in the meantime?”


  • yall are a stone cold trip. but this is real, lol. i gotta addyou to my bloglist when i get home. thanks for swingin thru too khristi. have a most blessed evening.

    stay focused man!!

    **how'd the geek--i mean greek exam go?**

    ***smile, i'm a nerd.***

    By Blogger lioness, at 5:16 PM  

  • thanks girl! i'm tryin to push through. the greek exam came and it went just to have another one to look forward to tommorow. Ugh.

    By Blogger Khristi Lauren, at 5:54 PM  

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