The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Saturday, November 25, 2006

All I Want for Christmas is Some Peace of Mind!

At any rate, instead of a Christmas List, how about doing something a little more practical, like a plan. A 3-month plan to be more exact. I’m not ready for 5 year plans, or 1 year, or even 6-month. I need something I can work with. Ashlee (the newest member of the too-single crew- soon to be introduced) and I did ours together on the phone last night. It really is very simple to do…and for all you believing Christians out there, it works too! Just pray over it and apply the good ‘ole “right the vision and make it plain” scripture. Oh yeah…and actually work on some of the stuff too. Now remember, it’s only 3 months, so write down things that you can do; or work towards. Ashlee started off writing things down like doing intense Hebraic studies of the Old Testament. I had to remind her that by the time our finals are over, it will be February. Intense Hebraic Studies may be a bit unreacheable. Anyway, as a template, or a guide to help those of you who’d like to join in, I decided to post my 3 month plan online.

Khristi's 3-Month Plan November 24, 2006 Expiration Date: February 24, 2007

Spiritual Goals
- increased prayer life
- fast once a month
- ½ our of absolute silence, once a week (inspired by the social activist and trappist monk, Thomas Merton)

Academic Goals
- working on becoming a better writer
- finish all my papers early
- relax more when doing work
- establish my “question” for ph.d

Personal Goals
- devote all my energy only to things that are important
- I’d like to be emotionally consistent and stable (not mad one day and happy the next)
- Completely over the past
- All healthy relationships
- Have an amazing 25th Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- And have one he…aven of a run of shows for my new play!


  • ok now i'm on it. thanks! because I actual have a number of goals that i had planned for an April deadline which i have to now "re-evaluate".... subsequently i will be using this format. 3 months... attainable... i guess i might as well make it official.

    thanks sis!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:59 AM  

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