The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A New Community

I have big plans for this year.
I plan to come into my own.

I plan to have a space of my own.

I’m tired of renting out other people’s space…invading world’s that aren’t my own….world’s where I’m not welcome. I’m going to be free to be me and establish my own beloved community. A private party. With nobody there but me, my angels and my guitar singing “Baby look how far we’ve come”. No more disguises. No more masks. Just me. Naked. Complete. And I’ll let you out of the jail that I put you in. And pardon all death sentences. You’re free to go. I forgive you. You’re free to go. No more room for mental prisoners. I am bound. To the law of love. I am bound. To the one above. And I will discover the me that I’ve been to afraid to see. Me…Me! Naked. Complete. Everyday I’ll grow another 5 inches and hover above misconceptions and all deceptions that I believed.
I’ll be brand new. Because I’m not afraid anymore. I am not ashamed anymore. There is no one to blame anymore.
I have big plans for this year. I plan to come into my own. Find myself a new home. Sing myself a new song.


  • Happy Belated Birthday! Did you live it up? Or, keep it low key like I did?

    By Blogger Shawn, at 6:47 AM  

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