The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God

Monday, August 28, 2006

Panty Talk from a Male Perspective

SHONoto: so ... did you show the panties to your bf?
KhristiA: LOL
KhristiA: that seems to be the question on everyone's minds out of everything i've blogged on
SHONoto: lol
KhristiA: while i intended on it to be humorous, i knew the saints would fall out
KhristiA: answer your question...
SHONoto: ok, I didn't think you really intended to when I was reading your blog. I thought it was
just a joke, ...
KhristiA: (-: it stil makes me laugh
KhristiA: i could be joking...i could not be...which is what makes the inquiries so amusing
KhristiA: lol
SHONoto: true
KhristiA: anyway, i'll wait till next week or so to give my update...
KhristiA: tosha and i went underwear shopping the other day and that was a story in itself
SHONoto: is there any personal reason for one to wear "special " underwear besides looking sexy?
KhristiA: well that's what i thought!
KhristiA: tosha is always saying, "khristi, i'm trying to get you to stop equating underwear with men"...i mean who else is gonna see 'em!?
KhristiA: but i guess it's about one feeling good about themself
KhristiA: in which, i'm still not sure how red lace underneath my jeans will make me feel that way... but okay
SHONoto: well did you try any of them on? do they make you feel any differentlty?
KhristiA: but comfort is another big reason
KhristiA: well i had to start slow...i still have my cottons...but their stringy kinda and they fit alot better
KhristiA: so it's like a lot more comfortable
KhristiA: but i had a silk pear that were way uncomfortable that my mom brought me...
KhristiA: i mean...pair
KhristiA: why did i say pear?....anyway...
KhristiA: but do i feel sexy or something....?
KhristiA: not
SHONoto: well if it were an Idea of comfort, I'd go with the more comfy ones but otherwise be less comfortable to be able to look at yourself in the mirror in the morning? not really
KhristiA: i totally agree
KhristiA: i still don't get it...i mean, me and victoria's sercret will be best friends when I have someone to share her secret with...until then, it's Hanes Her Way!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

He has a Point...

Michael Eric Dyson on 9-11 Trade Center Michael Eric Dyson talks about the World Trade Center filmmakers, accused of eliminating heroic contributions by African-Americans...and he does it in that good 'ole Dyson fashion. Listen

Monday, August 21, 2006

A Short Critical Evaluation of Church: Spellbound

Church, while I am in harmony with the need to go to release and fellowship and even vie for the pep-rally-type occurrences that leave us encouraged, has become an entertainment arena for transcendental manipulation. It’s like we (and I will say we, as anyone who considers themselves a leader in this race should always take responsibility) excel in playing on the ignorance of others. As we attempt to persuade and dissuade, our lack of preparation and lack of consecration and insincere motives remains drowned out by the loud sounds of “Hallelujah’s” and canopied by the dozens of people walking to the altar throwing money, seeding for their blessin. Before I continue, please excuse my abrasiveness as I definitely consider myself a seedin, prostrate laying, sangin and shoutin, “where’s the next conference” individual. It’s the abuse of these precious experiences and sacraments that I treasure that I am critical of. It’s these abuses that continue to leave the church by the hundreds…spellbound.

The preacher reads the scripture. The preacher repeats the scripture. The preacher repeats the same sentence for 15 minutes using various voice inflections and emphases on different words, yet still the same scripture. The audience screams. The preacher continues this for another 5 minutes. Preacher wows the crowd with Greek definitions (from a Hebrew Old Testament). The crowd runs around the church. “He ‘sho is preachin”. The preacher says he has a prophesy for the church. “Get ready…your best is yet to come!” People run to put money on the altar.

Mm, child that’s a mess huh? Yet, interestingly enough those very same individuals who hold that response can’t deny their very own rapture into these enchanting words and stratego. I know I am. And no one (In the flesh) is to blame, because this is clearly a spiritual exploitation that sadly leads to addiction and dependency on church. Thinking that we’re coming back because we just love it so much, we’ve become spiritual feens and us as leadership are the spiritual pimps. Strategically giving you just enough so that you can come back wanting more all the while packing out our churches and conferences filling our personal quotas.

The Word has been a showcase of preaching talent for seminary graduates and a competition for who has the best rhema word from the rest. So you get repetitive phrases that stir up emotional sensationalism that’ll do enough to get the crowd riled up, but with little to no substance to pierce their very souls or cause them to start a spiritual world revolution that may take place outside of your church. So when the sensation settles, they have nothing but more of a wanting and a desire to come back.

You ask them… “How many of you are ready to go to the next level?” How many of you know that I can ask you that question every Sunday and you’ll never ever know when you get to the next level because you’ll be constantly trying to get there, constantly coming back for your next breakthrough, constantly wanting more, more, more and hoping that you can get it in my church. (Now don’t get me wrong, this is a one-sided thought, as all sorts of repentance and spiritual breakthroughs happen in services.) All it does is stir up anxiety and never once do you think that the current season you’re in is that level or the current state you’re in, no matter how great feeling of bad feeling, is one that is to be experienced and to value every second of the temporary time that you do have. Think of the scripture when Jesus said not to be anxious about tomorrow, because the worries of today are sufficient enough. Although he was specifically speaking of worries, keep in mind that constant anxiety about future is dissuaded. (Not saying don’t plan ahead or hope, but take advantage of the current season you’re in and all that God has for you in it.)

“Sow $50 saints right now and I guarantee you that in one year your life will not be the same”. Well naturally as 12 months pass by things will change. Or why is it that we can so easily say, "... In four months!" or "...In five months!" and interestingly enough the end of those times sometimes seems to conveniently fall on December 31st or back to school month or the first month of summer? Our very own prophecy locks God within the confines of our own time.

This very short critical evaluation of a small aspect of the church that, while it may seem harsh and while it may seem little…It’s these things…these little things, that leave us spellbound...and wanting more.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Panty Tales

Fearing that I may be the world’s only 24-year-old wearing cotton underwear too big for my bottom, Latosha and my very own mother are on a mission to change my “What’s the big deal?” attitude about underwear. Tosha, who is determined to throw away every piece of underwear in my drawer has made it her duty to give me undie pep talks every so often convincing me that red lace underneath my jeans will make me feel more of a woman than hot pink bloomer cotton. Mommy, who fears that this is all her fault, keeps me in mind every time she takes a trip to the mall and has picked up all sorts of interesting pieces, ranging anywhere from silk green polka dots to beige lace. Feeling awkward, every so often I take them out of the bag to look at them just to put them back in as they wait to make it to the “underwear drawer”.

When oh when will I try them out? And who oh who will witness their splendor? Should I show them to my boyfriend? Will that make me a sinner? Help me!

Will Khristi ever take her new panties out of the bag?
Will she ever try them on?
Will she ever be satisfied with only her opinion?
Check back in and find out what happened next time on…

The Panty Tales

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Another Day in the Life Of...

Another Thursday, another long night studying for the infamous Friday greek exam. Grabbing her laptop and books, Khristi heads to Starbucks. Uh Oh…it looks like it’s going to rain. Thinking it a brilliant idea, she grabs her blue shower cap, just incase. Ahhhh, just as she suspected, it began to rain. She puts her blue shower cap on her head. Realizing that it may look a little strange all by itself, she puts on her blue hoody, hoping they would blend. As she looked down one side of the street at two White girls walking, laughing and talking with their “wet can only make it better” hair and the other side of the street full of competent individuals who had umbrellas not caring what kind of hair they had, she realized that the blue shower cap may not have been the best idea. Walking faster hoping to get closer to the Starbucks to escape the humility, the humidity of the day, humidity under the shower cap, and the humidity accumulating in drops of sweat under her winter hoody, was making the situation not better, but worse. Poor Khristi finally gave in 5 minutes away from the store whipping off her shower cap liberating herself from her own foolishness in hopes that the light drizzle would only moist and not ruin her fresh doobie. Running into the Startbucks she’s finally safe as she can only wait out in expectation that there will be clear skies when she walks home. Intellectually progressing, yet comon sense regressing...another day in the life of Khristi Adams.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The "Too Single" Crew Summer Update

When we last left Dre he was very confident going into the summer…
“I spent my entire summer at work. I decided that if I have to be single. The worst thing I could do is sit at home alone or worst...attempt to have fun with my single friends. So in order to avoid multiple dinners, meeting for drinks or mall invasions, I decided I would work more. Unfortunately, I worked so much that I realized just this past sunday that I have not done anything with anyone this entire summer. I was sitting on my front porch with my cousin for the first time in months and I really needed to do some work so I asked my cousin to come inside and talk to me as I worked and she said No, I want to enjoy the last days of summer, its so nice out. That sentence hit me like a ton of bricks. I had'nt even had a summer and she reminded me that it was the end. I havent been on vacation, went to a picnic, amusement park, pool party. Anything. I have been no where. I have not one memory of Summer 2006. No summer romance...No summer fling..I'd even settle for a Summer Bad Date. Nothing! And now its over.

When we last left Latosha she was optimistic about the freedom of summer…Tosha began the summer having ended a long relationship with Wally, affectionately known as “grandpa” moving onto an international man who was more her age. She hasn’t abandoned her knack for “flirting shamelessly”, but she cut back on late night visits for lovin and substituted them with a more self-assured “I can do bad all by myself” attitude. Taking her life into her own hands, she’s on a path of self-discovery, vows to date here and there in the meantime, but is by no mean proceeding to get into any relationships anytime soon…maybe.

When we last left Ebonee she was going into another birthday… Happy 25th Birthday Ebonee…the question inquiring minds want to know is: What guy did you spend it with this year? Drumroll please………………………………….
The lucky winner is Clayton Robinson. Please go to the back to reclaim your prize. Ebonee has found a new pastime but an old one in the Christian world. The good ole fashioned Church singles clique. IHOP after the singles bible study anyone? And if we know Ebonee, there’s got to be a love interest in the midst. It didn’t take long for her singleness to find a potential mate. Her singleness is never alone, as she began the summer in her self professed single state with one, even now that she decided to slow things down with him, her singleness has found a new man. Ebonee continues her walk through her singleness, yes single…but never alone. When we last left Khristi, she committed to dating herself…“I met a cutie-patutee (a word tosha concocted for my friend John) this summer. His name was *&%^. A beautiful creation in just about every physical attribute and the token trophy to flaunt around town. Granted, I wasn’t interested. I tried very hard though…ask both Tosha and Ebonee. First off, he was way too cute. I can’t believe I’m saying that, but yes. Who wants to fight off women their entire lives? Second, he was way too pushy at one point saying, “I’m looking for my wife”. Whoah horsey, while I treasure the idea of commitment, marriage is the end of a 3,000 mile journey on foot to me. Third, a good percentage of the reason why he was interested in me was because I wasn’t interested in him. This fascinated him as women usually fall at his mercy at one glance. (no really, it sounds extreme, but I’ve seen it on more than one occasion) So from the start this is a game…catch the hard to get round-the-way girl whose disinterest is attractive. I’m tired. I figure, if I aint gonna get the knight and shining armor, an idea that I’ve let go of for some time now, or the beautiful happily-ever-after marriage, then I’ll need something to humor me while I continue this journey of life. (I’m about to go on a rant that sounds really wrong but I’m going through a phase which I’ll soon be able to overcome) Nope. Don’t want a typical, as Dyson would say, “minister-as-omnicompetent-stud-and-stand-in-for-God.” No fasting and praying man of God for me or regular church going faithful to the pastor man. BO-RING. Give me a good ole’ fashioned unbeliever. And I’m not talking one of those “What God done fo’ me lately?” brothas, because most of the time they really do believe in God, they just mad. No, I refer solely to those individuals who have thoughtfully concluded that God is any and everything but what the Christians and Jews have concluded. I figure, either way you set yourself up for disappointment, why not practice your apologetics in the meantime?”

Whose God? Who's God?

My ex-flame-turned-wannabe-BFF disclosed his Philosophy of God the other day equating God with the infamous secular humanist conception of nature, justice and community. This shouldn’t have rendered me in the least bit surprised, however to know it and hear it seem to be two different phenomenon. Anywho…God = Nature rather than Nature = God I find problematic for a variety of reasons. God = Nature, to me, would mean that nature has spiritual components. And while yes, metaphorically speaking this can be concocted into some grandiose revelation, yet physically, I don’t think this is so. Nature is distinct from man (gender inclusive). Man however (biblically speaking) is a dualistic being. Body and Spirit. Or one can argue a tri-part being (body soul and spirit), but for the purposes of this thought, I’ll stick with dualistic. Nature is merely nature. Nature, while it can reflect characteristics of God, cannot solely be God because God is spirit. Nature is not. If “God” is creator of man and God is nature, then how can man transcend God in our very makeup? We, as beings are made in the image and likeness of God. Therefore the reflection has to be a replica in makeup. If one wants to say that man is just Body and Soul then they can argue against the idea of anything spiritual or even a spiritual God. However, nature still couldn’t be my God because nature has no Soul. Nature has no thought process. Nature, has law, rules of succession, beauty and creativity, but no mind of its own. Nature has no sense of personality or self-realization. Then again, man cannot be my God because man is limited by the laws of nature although they have access to spiritual things, yet and still, they come and go as mere mortals. Man can furthermore not be my God as they are dependant on this natural environment to sustain. I cannot bring myself to worshiping man for a variety of reasons…one being their dependence. One can have the most brilliant of minds of all men and women, yet if there were no air they would die. I do, however, credit nature in its God-likeness in that the body requires the environment in order to exist. Yet and still this gives more evidence in the case of God = nature in that this tells me about God instead of leading me to deduct that this be God. If nature was God then we would solely be governed by the laws of nature. And if we were, then I’d say, yes, nature can be my God. But how can a spiritual God be limited to natural law? It doesn’t seem logical. Say it aint so. That nature, which is in fact, my God, can be as limited as moral man? There has to be both natural and spiritual law to govern dualistic beings.
There is a conflict in that man is dependant on it’s natural environment and it’s natural environment is governed by natural law in which is constituents don’t reflect what it supposedly created in it’s likeness. Nature in its fullness is seemingly unlimited in its resources that can teach us any and everything about life, love, happiness et cetera. Unfortunately, that doesn’t necessarily make it God. I’m sorry, I’m just not sold on the idea of equating nature with God.

Blame Aunt Flo!

The natural thing to do would be to blame Aunt Flo. I mean, after all, everything is her fault after all. There’s the pre-period time which is like a week or two before your period, in which you’re grouchy because you’re about to come on your period. Then there is the actual period. You’re grouchy because you’re on your period. Then there is post-period. You’re grouchy and maybe experiencing difficulties because you just got off. While this may be a bit extreme of an excuse, it remains excusable in lieu of what I call, “The Grace Period”. This leaves “The Neutral Period”. This is the time when you may have 5-7 days (at most a week ½) when you can no longer blame Aunt Flo for your moodiness and/or grouchiness. Well, Aunt Flo won’t be visiting me for another 2 ½ weeks, so what the h*ll is my problem?

Once Upon a Dream...

Once upon a time in a land far far away there was a little girl who decided to put on a play.
So she asked her best friend to help and she said yes.

Then the little girl and her best friend asked their friends to help out and they said yes too!...

Sunday, August 06, 2006


...It was a lot of work.
But, they had such a good time.

Lots of people came to see what they had done. It was a success!
And they lived happily, ever, after.

The End